Biography of a Psychologist
The class is required to write a biography of a psychologist specializing in the field of psychology and critically reflect on their contributions to the field.
Worth: a maximum of 150 points of overall course grade.
Due: on the date noted in the Topic/What’s Due section of the course calendar.
Submission: submit to Assignments section in Canvas
Grade Rubric and Checklist: Located in the Written Assignment Module. Guidelines are also provided below.
- Select a psychologist whose theories you find interesting. Some examples include: Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Bandura, Piaget, Kohlberg, Kinsey, Masters, Johnson, Gottman, Sternberg, and Lee. A great place to research psychologists is using our textbook and/or google search
- Read about the psychologist and his/her theories using the textbook, internet websites, and or books in the library.
- In one or more pages (you may write more than one page…your choice) discuss the background of the psychologist who specializes in the field of Human Sexuality and their theory. Total assignment is two pages including the bibliography.
Page One
Paragraph One “Background Information”: discuss background information including: education, country of origin, birth date (and date of death if applicable), marital status and marital information, family background information, and any other interesting information about their life such as winning a Nobel Prize.
Paragraph Two “Theory”: discuss their theory. Choose a stage, level, or aspect of it that interests you and write about it. For example: if discussing Skinner be sure to explain a part of his theory such as shaping, or positive and negative reinforcement. Since this is a short assignment you do not have to cover the entire theory.
Paragraph Three “Critique”: Discuss the importance and value of this theory in the field of psychology. If the theory is controversial, then discuss the controversies regarding th theory and arguments for and against it. For example: Kholberg’s theory is considered controversial because he had only male participants in his study which makes it challenging to apply some of his conclusions to females.
Page Two
“Bibliography/Works Cited”: cite any sources used in your paper using APA format.
Additional Important Information:
Must have one full page (you may write more if desired).
Word Doc Only. No attachments please. Notes
1 inch margins (right, left, upper, lower).
Cover page is not needed. Please do not add name to the page where the assignment is written since it will take up space and will not meet the full one page requirement. Canvas alerts me to the name o the student who submitted the assignment.
Standard English grammar, punctuation, and appropriate capitalization.
Font: Times New Roman; 12 point.
Double spaced (even between paragraphs).
If using direct quotes or summarization of another’s thoughts you must cite within the paper.
You do not need to use APA format with the essay section of the assignment since my guidelines are the aspects of APA format that you need to use.
Bibliography/Works Cited on second page using APA format. This is the only part of the assignment that needs to be in APA format. Google is a great place to search how to cite sources using APA format.
Canvas uses Turnitin to determine plagiarism. A similarity score of 40% or more is considered plagiarism in this class. Be sure to check your score once submitted. If you have a score greater than 40% you may resubmit as long as the due date and time has not passed. If you do not resubmit, 10 points is deducted for each score over 40…for example if there is 41-49 point similarity score 10 points is deducted, 50-59 then 20 points is deducted, 60-69 then 30 points deducted etc.
Please note: cutting and pasting from the internet, use of another author’s thoughts and/or words from any resource without citation in the essay and a bibliography, using sentences such as “Scientists/Researchers say that…” or “According to current research” (without citing who the scientists are…what the research is…and not citing them/it) is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is n tolerated and therefore the instructor will take academic disciplinary action. Please see the syllabus section titled academic honesty. Also, using entire paragraphs that are direct quotes from any resource and then citing it is not permitted. This assignment must be written using one’s own words