Students will provide a type-written and double-spaced 10-12 page- person-centered based clinical assessment and treatment plan. Citations are expected to be used in professional writing; remember to give credit (every time) to your sources.

  1. Humanistic profile; demographic and presenting problem  (20 points) 

Competencies 1, 2, 6, 7, 8

The profile must include relevant history, identifying data: physical description, gender, age, school/work status, occupation, siblings, living arrangements, cultural/ethnic background, sexual orientation and other relevant demographic data re: self, family, neighborhood, community.

Presenting problem, history of presenting complaint, compensatory strategies, problematic emotions, thoughts, and behaviors exhibited by the client.. 

The clinical profile should be formatted in the ABC-S format outlining: the targeted behavior problem (be specific), the baseline strength of the problem (frequency, intensity, duration, latency), antecedents and consequences.

 II.  Bio-psychosocial Assessment. (25 points) 

Note: Address these in narrative form; no bullets.

                     Competencies 1, 2, 6, 7, 8

  • 2a. Briefly discuss the key biopsychosocial features of this client that are most essential in understanding the development of the DSM diagnosis and the implications for prognosis and treatment.  Think of this as an opportunity to provide selective and informative details to your audience to help with the formulation of the client, your given diagnosis and the treatment plan.   (10 points)

Examples of details include: 

  • Physical,
  • psychological/psychiatric,
  • cognitive history, judgment, thought content, thought process, perceptions,  
  • Developmental delays/derailments? 
  • Current or past medications? 
  • mood
  • affect
  • general appearance
  • behavior
  • speech
  • Socio-cultural contexts and environmental context:
  • Are their relationships supportive? Conflictual?
  • Discuss any relevant age, gender, sexual orientation, culture/ethnicity/race, and socio-economic factors that impact the client’s present situation
  • education
  • developmental information, developmental milestones,
  • peer relationships
  • Cognition, memory, ability to concentrate, intellectual function,
  • capacity for insight/play
  • Strengths/resources and vulnerabilities: internal and external. 

                     2b. Diagnostic assessment. (5 points) 

     Competencies 1, 2, 9

                                Provide a DSM-5 diagnosis with proper ICD coding. 

                                Briefly provide your rationale for this diagnosis: point out the behaviors

                                exhibited by the client that support your diagnosis. If more than one

                                diagnosis, then indicate

                                the primary. Any comorbid problems? 

                     2c.    Detailed description of impact of oppression. (10 points)

                              Competency 2: Engage diversity and difference in practice.

III. Treatment plan and Interventions (35 points)

Clearly and thoroughly describes (goals, objectives, strategies, treatment plan). Humanistic Theory and Interventions

Competencies 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

                       3a. ABC model:  identify maladaptive thoughts, behaviors, (15 points)

  1. antecedents: event that prompts current problem (precipitating factors)
  2. beliefs: irrational and catastrophic; rational, high frustration tolerance
  3. Consequences: outcomes of beliefs and behavior

                      3b. Goals and objectives for treatment (2 goals for the identified problems.) (5 points)

                          These should reflect specific humanistic attitudes and behaviors that the

                          client will take to meet the desired goal. 

                          The objectives should be stated in specific, measurable, and time-limited


3c.  Intervention/strategies (3 overall) (5 points for each intervention)

  • These should identify the specific humanistic interventions that you used or will use to facilitate progress towards the treatment goals and


  •  Include a brief rationale for your use of each intervention. 
  •  Select strategies discussed in the course from (minimum) of two separate 

 theories.  (Competency 8)

  •  Discuss how the chosen strategies enhance your client’s strengths as well as 

 remedy client concerns (Competency 8)

  •  Identify any necessary modifications to the practice strategies the influence of



  1. Evaluating progress (10 points)

Competency 9

  • Assess the effectiveness of the humanistic strategies used with your client Discuss a plan to utilize a range of data sources to inform your practice evaluation, such as client self-report, validated measures, and process evaluation (Competency 9)
  • Provide any client feedback that was given about the effectiveness of intervention throughout the intervention process. (Competency 9)
  • Briefly discuss a plan to modify your strategies in response to the practice evaluation. (Competency 9)
  • Writing/clarity/organization/proper APA formatting (10 points) evidence of professional writing, formatting, grammar, sentence structure, citations,

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