Written Assignment – Beginning Keyboarding Essay
Let your creativity flow . . . Your assignment is to write an essay that relates to the use of Beginning Keyboarding in your life. The essay should give clue to your reason for taking Beginning Keyboarding and how this course will fit in with your future. Identify your motivation. Clarify your goal. Tell me what it is that you plan to achieve. Ensure that you discuss the following topics:

Tip – Answer EACH topic statement with critical thought expounding upon the question and detailing, summarizing, and/or explaining YOUR UNDERSTANDING of the topic. — Don’t give a textbook answer/definition! – Use your critical thinking skills to Discuss and Explain each question thoroughly.

1. Explain and describe, with examples, how to Identify the components of a computer system; and perform common tasks used in applications.

2. Explain and describe, with examples, how to Demonstrate basic proficiency using commonly used applications and computer system components and functions.

3. Explain and describe, with examples, how to Demonstrate Internet skills.

4. Explain and describe, with examples, how to Demonstrate technical computer-based skills needed to prepare documents, presentations, and spreadsheets using Microsoft’s Office Suite Software

Write a minimum of 10 pages (Title Page, Table of Content, >8 pages of content, Reference Page).

The actual content of the paper should include a Table of Content and be at least 8 or more pages, (not to include graphs, pictures, or financial plans/statements), double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 Font. You must include a Title page and Reference page (more than 2 works cited from another source other than the textbook). The paper must have proper spelling, grammar, and formatting.

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