Movie (Batman Begins)
Movie Analysis Paper: 1000-1200 words (including in-text references, but
excluding References list)
You will write an essay where you analyse a film (from the list below) for the themes
that you have learned about in this topic, and expand your understanding of those
themes or issues from a psychological perspective by accessing and using further
research (i.e. psychological peer reviewed journal articles).
Your job is to answer the following:
1. What themes/concepts from the topic (related to wellbeing, emotions, resilience,
stress, goals, motivation, achievement) are present in the movie?
2. How are these themes portrayed in the movie?
3. In what ways are the themes accurate or inaccurate to our understanding of
those issues from the perspective of psychological science. Explain and critically
discuss the portrayal of the concept/theme using psychological research.
You should write as though you were writing an essay for a Blog with a collection of
essays analysing movies from a psychological perspective. It should be interesting and
engaging but accurately use the psychological science so that a non-psychology
audience would be able to read it comfortably and understand the issues and have an
awareness of the research in the field (avoid unexplained jargon, statistical language).
The writing needs to be clear and your paper should be written to engage and educate
an audience: The movie provides a point of connection to explore the concept/theme
with your reader and educate them on what we know (or don’t know) from a
psychological perspective.