TCP/IP is the primary protocol suite used on most networks and on the Internet. It has many robust features, but also numerous security deficiencies. In your own words, describe and provide an example of one of the following types of attacks: TCP hijacking, web spoofing, DNS poisoning, login spoofing, SYN attack, impersonation, packet modification, flooding, TCP sequence number attack, or war driving. Provide a credible source to justify your answer.

Unit 8 Discussion Topic 2


More Attacks on Telecommunications

In your own words, describe and provide an example of one of the following types of attacks: replay attack, smurf, fraggle, teardrop attack, password sniffing, IP spoofing, dumpster diving, wiretapping, cell cloning, scanning attack, and private branch exchange (PBX) threats. Provide a credible source to justify your answer.

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