Assignment Guidelines

In the first part of the Transformational Leadership Change Project (Critical Assignment 9.1: Transformational Leadership Change Project: Part I: Leadership Case Study) you identified an organization that presented a particular leadership challenge. You then developed an action plan for collecting data to support the development of a change proposal by which the organization could possibly surmount that challenge.

For this second part of the Transformational Leadership Change Project, you will compose a 10–12 page paper that culminates in the proposal of a targeted plan to help your organization attempt to understand, address, and overcome its leadership challenge, as well as to prepare for possible pushback from others within and/or outside of the organization.


This assignment picks up with a brief synthesis of your selected organization and the identified Leadership Challenge.

Data Collection:

In this section, you will explain what data you would potentially collect, how it was collected, and how the data added to the understanding of the Leadership Challenge.


This section provides your change proposal to help the organization attempt to understand, address, and overcome its Leadership Challenge. Think of this section as a proposal you would present to the organization’s Board of Trustees, School Board, CFO, CEO, or upper management as a consulting firm. This is the proposed change or changes, strategies, or options available that you developed to help this organization address its Leadership Challenge. You will make a strong rationale based upon your knowledge and data collected on how your proposal addresses the Leadership Challenge, and you will provide a priority listing of where the organization should start in taking the steps you suggest. This section will also include what the positive intended consequences will be if this proposal is accepted.


In this section, you will go into greater detail on how this Proposal will impact the organization and its people. With your proposed changes or options, there will be both strengths and challenges for the organization and those working within it. Your task is to acknowledge how the organization and the people will be affected by this change by providing an analysis of the impact of your Proposal through the lens of Bolman and Deal’s four frames: Structural, Human Resource, Political, and Symbolic. Each of the four frames needs to be addressed in the ways they will be impacted.

Symbolic Representation

As you know, change can be difficult for both organizations and people. However, when there are symbols representing the positive intent of this change, they can carry powerful intellectual and emotionally heartfelt messages. Your task in this section is to provide two examples of how this change can be interpreted or communicated in a symbolic way to its employees. Your creativity is required—the stage is yours to present your theatrical performance on how and why your proposal will bring positive benefits.


In this concluding paragraph, you will provide an overall synthesis of the Transformational Leadership Change Project.

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