
In this assignment, you will calculate and interpret personnel hours for a hospital unit. Use the Assignment 5.2: Calculating Personnel Hours Document (Word)

Download Assignment 5.2: Calculating Personnel Hours Document (Word) to record your responses.

Table 1 provides personnel numbers for a unit in a hospital.

Table 1
Categories of Work HoursNumber of Hours
Direct hours3,108
Indirect hours928
Non-productive hours760
UOS or HPPD436
Survey period14

Assignment Guidelines

Part One

Use the provided data in table 1 to calculate and interpret in writing the following figures for the unit:

  1. Total worked (or productive) hours
  2. Total paid hours
  3. Total direct hours (or variable) worked per UOS or HPPD
  4. Total indirect (or fixed) worked hours per UOS or HPPD
  5. Total worked (or productive hours) per UOS or HPPD
  6. Total paid hours per UOS or HPPD
  7. Average daily UOS

Part Two

One of the concepts described in this lesson was unit intensity, which measures the “business” of a unit. In the lesson, three measures of ADT intensity were given: midnight census, inverse length of stay (LOS), and the ADT work intensity index. Given the type of unit you work in or have worked on, what do you believe is the best measure of unit intensity? Give at least 3 reasons for the measure you choose as the best measure.

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