Locate a peer-reviewed article published in a criminology journal of your choice (online journals
are acceptable; www or Wikipedia type popular online entries are unacceptable), on any one
subject of:
- Disparities based on gender, race, or class in the criminal justice system.
- Any form of prejudice discrimination in the legal system based on race or class.
- Legal reform movements where our criminal justice/legal system is attempting to overcome racial/class bias.
- Movements to reform policing, courts, or corrections.
Read, review, and summarize the article you chose and address the following questions:
1. Is it a research article based on theoretical argument, literature review, or empirical data?
2. What is the specific aim of the article?
3. Does it say anything new and/or important?
4. What problems with the article can you identify?
- This paper should be at least 2 to 3 pages in length
- 12-pt times new roman font and double spaced.
- ASA format for citations
- Work cited page attached. This should be separate from the length of the paper.