Individual paper: Assessment of a major healthcare system/organization; 8 pages (not including a title page, abstract page, and reference page)  Please Use the Turnitin Link provided

Each student will select a major healthcare system or organization, and complete a paper on their selected organization/system. The paper should address the following components:
Part A: Describe the selected organization/healthcare system. What is the purpose and/or mission of the organization?
Part B: Discuss the organizational leadership chart. Who is the leader or leaders? What is their responsibility? How are they chosen? What is their term of office? How is their accountability/productivity measured?
Part C: What are the major components, divisions, departments or units of the organization? How is each unit organized in terms of leadership? What are the major services of each unit?
Part D: How is performance measured within the system or organization?
Part E: In relation to healthcare, what has been the organization’s major impact within the last ten years?
Part F: In terms of your own critique, has this organization significantly impacted on healthcare? If you could change anything within the organization, what would that change be; how would you accomplish the change; and how would you measure the impact of the change?
SCORING: Specific content scoring for this paper will be:
Uses APA format for paper setup and APA format for references cited in the text and in the reference list. (20%)
Uses appropriate grammar and spelling; ideas are clearly articulated, using appropriate sentence structure. (20%)
Completes Part A as described. (10%)
Completes Part B as described. (10%)
Completes Part C as described. (10%)
Completes Part D as described: (10%)
Completes Part E as described: (10%)
Completes Part F as described: (10%)
Total = 100%

Examples : Mayo Clinic , Jacksonville

                   Cleveland clinic Florida

                    Baptist Hospital of Miami

                   University Of Miami

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