Question 1 Codes of professional conduct
In order to make responsible and well-informed judgements, it is important for professionals to be able to distinguish between ethical and non-ethical situations. It is also considered appropriate to make ethical decisions based on principles, expectations and norms: certain of these are set out in professional codes of conduct.
As part of our work together around the theme of the Just City, a number of codes of professional conduct or codes of ethics were referenced in Week 1. Provided as resources in Modules, Week 1, these cover four different Australian professional societies representing different disciplines: quantity surveyor (AIQS), landscape architect (AILA), interior designer (DIA), architect (RAIA). These were also discussed by Graham Fletcher in talking about professionalism in Week 3.
Select one of the referenced codes of professional conduct or code of ethics, then:
- Describe the key principles underlying the relevant code of conduct or code of ethics.
- Discuss where your own university studies or practice experience might be influenced by complying with one or more of the principles. You may want to recount an example where professional ethics – competing demands of obligations to the public, to the client, to the profession, to colleagues for example – were called into play.
- Are there aspects of the code of conduct you believe should be added and why?
- Does the code provide sufficient guidance to making ethical decisions in professional contexts, and if not, why not?
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Question 2 Green infrastructure
The broad theme of green infrastructure and/or living infrastructure was discussed in the kick off talk in Week 1 (in relation to responses to the climate and biodiversity crises) and by Barbara Norman in Week 2 as an one idea/practice crossing a range of built environment professions.
Modules, Week 2, contains the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects’ (AILA) Green Infrastructure (2019) Position Statement.
The AILA position statement defines Green Infrastructures as ‘the strategically planned networks of natural and semi-natural areas in urban and regional settlements that provide environmental, social and economic benefits to society’ and provides current case studies on this topic.
Read the position statement, then:
- Describe briefly the key objectives identified in the AILA position statement for developing a Green Infrastructure framework.
- Then state whether you believe these are adequate? And if not, why not? And if not, what is missing?
- The AILA position statement provides active links to nine case studies. Next, select one of the case studies, analyse the case study, and describe briefly how that particular case study might contribute to meeting one or more of the key objectives of the Green Infrastructure framework.
- If space allows, you may also reflect on how your current university studies or future practice activities can contribute to meeting one or more of the Green Infrastructure key objectives.
Note: part of the effort here is the ability to translate what might be perceived as landscape specific objectives into different built environment disciplines.
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Question 3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In Weeks 1 and 2, the United Nations seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were discussed and specific links to key documents provided in Modules, Week 2. A copy of The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022, United Nations, is also provided in Modules, Week 2, and you may find benefit to refer to that Report in your response.
Read about the SDGs to establish a base understanding of the range of issues addressed and the structure of the SDGs. Then:
- Select one of the seventeen Goals and describe its key features or ambitions. The selected Goal might be related to a personal interest or an area you may engage with in your future professional life.
- Then describe no more than three (3) key targets and associated indicators for the respective SDG Goal as identified by the UN.
- Now speculate on how local actions in your future profession could contribute to meeting such targets. If not immediately relevant to the local context of the ACT or Australia, feel free to speculate on their relevance to other regions around the planet you may know.
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Question 4 Federal environmental law
In the week 3 lecture, Graham Fletcher discussed at some length the need for and constantly changing nature of environmental law and the importance of having a working knowledge of the laws relevant to your future profession and jurisdiction.
Graham also discussed what is in, and differences between, federal, State/Territory, and local environmental law. National heritage was discussed as addressed by federal environmental law.
An important federal environmental law referenced in Week 3 is the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC). Here is a link:
One of the objects of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is
‘to identify places for inclusion in the National Heritage List and Commonwealth Heritage List and to enhance the protection, conservation and presentation of those places.’ (Part I, section 3, sub section fa)
The Australian War Memorial and Memorial Parade are listed on the National Heritage List and are thus protected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
A copy of the four-page Australian War Memorial and Memorial Parade listing is included in Modules, Week 3.
The listing describes six criteria and the values contained in the Australian War Memorial and Memorial Parade as supporting the inclusion of this place on the National Heritage List.
Read the listing to begin to understand the nature and qualities of national-specific places, then:
- Select two of the six criteria and summarise the key values identified. The selected criteria may be something specific to your discipline or to your personal experience and interests.
- Do you agree with the range of values identified and if so, why? If not, why not?
- Are there values related to this place that could be added? It has been two decades since the listing was written and perhaps other issues of importance to built environment professionals, the Australian community, or to you personally have emerged.
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Question 5 Responding to the climate and biodiversity crisis
Professional societies in built environment professions around the planet and in Australia have made statements or declarations about the urgency of responding to the climate and biodiversity crises.
Modules, Week 1, provides a link to the Australian Architects Declare statement along with a number of resources. Here is the link again:
Read the declaration and review linked resources to obtain an understanding of key issues and opportunities, then:
- Describe briefly the crises identified in the statement.
- The declaration lists ten specific actions that might contribute to redressing or mitigating these crises. Summarise three out of the ten actions you believe most relevant to your discipline and explain why.
- Comment on how you might respond to meeting these objectives as a future built environment professional.
- If relevant, though not necessary, you can reference current university units or work experience.
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