Assessment guide


Learning Goals:

In this assignment you are expected to demonstrate the knowledge you acquired in this subject by analysing a specific project of your interest and answering a set of applied theory questions related to the covered topics. You are expected to reflect on your competencies before/after, development approach, you team experience and future development plans.


Word Limit: 5000 words


The assignment consists of three parts:

  1. Project analysis
  2. Applied theory questions
  3. Self-reflection


Detailed structure of the marking criteria is presented at the end of this document.

This assignment will use a predefined template for submission.



  1. Project analysis
  • Select a project of interest either from your past experience or something you read about, provide description and identify the issues you would like to address using your improved competencies in the areas of scope, cost and time management
  • Outline the solutions for the identified issues, as well as associated benefits and challenges


  1. Applied theory questions
  • Using the learnings from this subject, answer the following questions (preferably using your project of interest as an example):
    1. You noticed that your new employer does not have an effective process in place that ensures effective management of changes to project scope, cost or schedule. You volunteered to create one. Which steps will you take and how will you present your proposed change management process to your stakeholders?
    2. Your team is expected to provide an estimate for your project of interest. Which estimating technique(s) will you choose for this project and why?
    3. You are newly appointed project manager and have access to sufficient data to conduct the earned value analysis. Using the provided information in the assignment template, describe high level situation of the project, perform necessary calculations and provide recommendation for the next steps


  1. Self-reflection report:
  • Identify your starting and target competencies at the start of this subject
  • Describe your approach to development
  • Reflect on the outcome
  • Link your learning lessons and progress with the project and cost management knowledge areas
  • Perform self-reflection on your work in this subject, particularly your group participation, literature review, real life situations
  • Reflect on subject relevance to your development and career plans
  • Provide your views on team performance, what went well/wrong and your recommendations for future improvements
  • Outline your future development goals and the methods to achieve it





Assignment 3 Marking Criteria



Assignment 3 Points
Individual Case Study SolutionProject and the relevant problems/issues clearly identified and described5
Solutions clearly stated and linked with theoretical learning from the class10
Expected benefits associated with the proposed solution3
Challenges associated with the proposed solution2
Applied theory (Question 1)Approach to change management effectively described5
Chosen approach justified and linked with the environment and the nature of project4
Roles and responsibilities associated with the process identified and described3
Demonstrated effective use of theory in a project situation3
Applied theory (Question 2)Appropriate techniques identified and described3
Choice of estimating techniques effectively justified for the specific project4
Demonstrated effective use of theory in a project situation3
Applied theory (Question 3)Project situation described at high level3
Relevant values correctly identified (planned value, earned value, actual cost, timeline )3
Schedule variance, cost variance, performance indices accurately calculated and explained3
Estimate at completion, estimate to complete and impact on the timeline accurately calculated and explained3
Results effectively used to present various options for the project going forward10
Demonstrated effective use of theory in a project situation3
Self-ReflectionCompetencies level at the start of the course described, development goals identified and linked with career plans3
Competencies development process described3
Competencies development outcome described and analysed5
Developed competencies appropriately linked with the Knowledge Areas: Project Time Management and Project Cost Management3
Effective self-reflection regarding approach and performance with the team and individual tasks associated with this subject (group participation, literature review, real life situations)5
Effective description of subject relevance to development and career goals4
Constructive view of positive/negative team experiences and the learning value associated with it, including ideas on how it could be improved5
Target areas for future development identified and linked with development/career goals, including approach2
Total Assignment 3:100




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