Instructions for Assessment 4


The aim of this assessment is for you to graphically depict your current leadership approach and strengths against your view of what constitutes a responsible leader, outlining strategies for you to be even more effective against this model.

Assessment 4 is an infographic.

  1. Decide on what constitutes a responsible leader.
  2. Analyse your approach to leadership and strengths against your model.
  3. Decide on at least two practical strategies to help you be even more effective as a responsible leader.

Leadership Infographics you might like to review:
(there are more online!)

Suggested software:

There are several free software programs that will help you to produce an Infographic. The following site goes through 10 options:

One of these that seems most user friendly is:

It’s up to use which software you use. Remember the idea is to represent visually your leadership model, so try to balance words and images. Remember, a picture tells a thousand words!

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Infographic Criteria

Your infographic will be assessed for your ability to:

  • Develop a clear responsible leadership model.
  • Analyse your own approach and strengths against the model.
  • Depict at least two practical strategies to be a more effective responsible leader.
  • Present an interesting and attractive infographic that succinctly summarises the above three elements.

See the rubric for details. Click here to access the marking rubric for Assessment 4

Format Details

Your individual Infographic should be one A3 or two A4 pages, which is equivalent to 1000 words.

Note, some software may not allow you to download your work unless you have a subscription, and some software files are too large to submit to the LMS anyway. Therefore, we suggest the following as the best approach.

Make sure you take a screenshot of your infographic and upload the screenshot to the submission dropbox instead of the entire file.

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