Kusa Partners, an international education-focused company, is considering whether to acquire the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) a Ghana government-owned tertiary institution. The cost of this acquisition is estimated at US$500 million.
Kusa’s financial analysts, considering all the normal economic factors (e.g., capital expenditures, operating costs, debt service, projected revenues, tax arrangements, etc.) have determined that the project has an attractive expected rate of return. Assuming no major political change, they believe the acquisition is financially and economically feasible. Before a final decision is made top management wants a comprehensive evaluation of the political risks associated with making this acquisition.
You have been hired as a consultant to prepare a socio-political risk report up to the year 2026 to provide a basis for further discussion of Ghana’s future. This requires you to generate and assess three or four scenarios regarding the socio-political future of Ghana out to the year 2026. This will enable management to make a final decision.
Your report should include the following:
**some determining factors to look at are ethnic and religious tension, increase in urbanisation, how political partyies relate, increase in population, the media and their role, ruling goverment ideology**