Chapter 7 of the course textbook examines theories of cognitive development during adolescence and later adulthood. For this assignment, refer to the textbook and two peer-reviewed journal articles to compare and contrast the theories and models of two cognitive theorists with respect these stages of human development.

In your paper, account for or respond to the following:

Briefly summarize the main elements of each theorist’s analysis of cognitive development during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood.
Compare and contrast the two approaches to this critical and difficult stage of development, illustrating in what ways, and with respect to what issues, each approach provides insights and/or exhibits shortcomings.
Compare and contrast cognitive development during adolescence versus early adulthood, evaluating whether and to what extent one or the other stage is more or less amenable to one of the two frameworks examined.
Be sure to integrate terms and research associated with major cognitive theories into your analysis such as egocentrism, inductive reasoning, or fluid/crystalized intelligence.

Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016). Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

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