International Strategic Innovation Management Report on Open Innovation

Academic essay on Open Innovation

Review the included journal articles on open innovation and demonstrate:

An in-depth understanding of open innovation, including concepts, theories and counterparty debates as well as issues in the context of international innovation management.

Use relevant materials from a range of sources (particularly the included articles) including articles from academic journals, research books, conference proceedings, industry reports etc.

The analysis, discussion and evaluation should be backed with appropriate practical examples where appropriate.


  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Academic literature review of chosen theories on Open Innovation
  • Analysis, discussion, and evaluation to show understanding of Open Innovation theory (with evidence from academic literature and practical examples)
  • Findings and what has been learnt
  • References (Harvard system)

12 pt. Times New Roman. 1.5 Line spacing. 2000 words (excluding references)

Appropriate references

Weight Subject Criteria
25% Knowledge – Evidence of reading in the area of Innovation and Technology management Perfect, detailed and well organised and structured review of selected factual information on innovation and R&D management with correct emphasis on the question at hand. Evidence of reading of a wide range of relevant literature sources, including effective use of the reading list. Makes perfect use of factual evidence to support arguments. Excellent sustained effective style of writing that is appropriately concise or expansive.
25% Understanding – Use of Normative literature to explain the conceptual aspects of Innovation and R&D management Demonstrates excellent grasp of concepts, theories and methods relevant to innovation and R&D management and the question at hand. Articulate explanation of relevant theory. Offers a largely complete answer to the question, which is consistent, cogent and expands the bounds of the question.
25% Analysis- Synthesis of literature with practical examples to emphasise important issues Excellent identification of relevant concepts, methods and theory with evidence from a wide variety of reading and practical examples. Comprehensively breaks down arguments, theories and structures. Excellent analytical arguments effectively based on thorough review of evidence, and effective linking of topics within the wider domain of innovation and technology management.
25% Evaluation – Use of literature, practical examples and own opinions to draw conclusions and justify arguments Excellent and comprehensive evaluation of concepts, theory and methods pertinent to innovation and R&D management and the question at hand. Expresses personal perspectives, with some self-criticism where appropriate and recognises limits of own judgement and knowledge. Excellent critical thinking and evaluation of issues and material beyond the scope of the question.

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