The Brain and Sensation and Perception: Seeing Is Believing?    

To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapters 2 and 3 of your textbook. In addition, watch Perspective: Brain Games (Season 6) and the Charlie Chaplin Optic Illusion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and read “Culture and Point of View (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.”. Additionally, review the weekly Instructor Guidance and any relevant Announcements. In this discussion, you will consider the important role the brain plays in perceiving sensory information by describing perception, examining individual experience, recognizing cultural differences, and applying this content to your own life experiences.

The brain is a marvelous tool that helps us interpret the many experiences we encounter on a daily basis.  Yet, our perception may be vastly different than the reality of the sensory cues we receive.

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