Communication MID TERM paper

Research how teams are used in your chosen career field. Sources may include books, journal articles, internet websites, professional associations, and informational interviews with professionals in your career field. Describe the types of teams used in your career field, characteristics of effective teams, any barriers to teamwork or suggestions to improve teamwork, plus teamwork skills and communication skills needed to be successful in your career field. Summarize your findings in a typed report, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, using APA or MLA style for in-text citations and references. Minimum length: 2 pages with 1 inch margins.

Grade chart for the paper

Your PointsPossible Points
Introduction: Introduce the topic of the paper in relation to your career path 10
Body: Effective use of examples on how teams are used and developed in your career field. This includes the communication skills necessary to be an effective team in that line of work 30
Conclusion: Summary of the paper should include what your next steps will be to improve your performance in groups to better prepare yourself for a future in your career. 10
Overall Content/Resources: Effective use of topics covered so far in text/lectures. Effective use of resources (articles, internet sources, interviews, etc.) 30
Spelling/Grammar: Paper should be free from spelling/grammatical errors 20
Total Points 100

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