To complete this lab, answer the five questions below. Include graphs when required, with correct placement of x– and y-variables, axis labels, and legends.


  1. Calculate summary statistics for each of the following datasets (sample size, mean, median, standard deviation, and standard error). Round your answers to two decimal places.
    1. Set 1 = {7, 12, 5, 9, 4, 15, 9, 2, 8, 8, 6, 10}
    2. Set 2 = {23.5, 48.1, 6.2, 31.4, 17.6, 34.0, 29.3, 27.8, 25.5, 11.9}
    3. Set 3 = {53.11, 47.62, 101.06, 54.95, 46.27, 59.73, 52.82}
    4. Set 4 = {105, 311, 507, 389, 271, 356, 247, 1018, 251, 402, 343, 345}
    5. Set 5 = {0.11, 0.43, 0.37, 0.08, 0.25, 0.34, 0.17, 0.20, 0.14}
  2. In the Module 1 Resource Book, we performed a linear regression of the age and weight of ladybugs. In that example, we only had five data points (for ladybugs that were 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 days old). I actually found 7 more ladybugs, so I want to add them to our dataset (combining everything we have) and redo the analysis. Both the original and new data are attached to this page as “02 Ladybug age-weight data” and “02 Ladybug age-weight data – new data”.
    1. Make an updated graph showing the age/weight relationship for all 12 ladybugs.
    2. Report the updated equation of the line.
    3. Report the new R2 value.
    4. Calculate the expected age for a ladybug that weighs 32 g. Show your work.
    5. Predict the weight of a 4.5-day-old ladybug. Show your work.
  3. On warm summer nights, you can tell the temperature by how fast crickets are chirping! The attached dataset “03 Cricket time-temperature data” is from Bessey & Bessey (1898), published in the scientific journal The American Naturalist. Using this data, regress the number of cricket chirps per minute (y) on the temperature (x).
    1. Create a graph showing the number of chirps per minute vs. temperature.
    2. Report the equation of the line.
    3. Report the R2 value.
    4. Predict the number of cricket chirps per minute at 65° F. Show your work.
    5. How well does your linear regression fit your data? Explain in 2–3 sentences.
  4. Irises are beautiful purple flowers that grow in temperate climates. Different species of irises may have different traits. Perform a t-test to determine whether the sizes of petals differ between the Virginia iris and the bristle-pointed iris. The data are attached as “04 Iris petal data”.
    1. Create a bar graph showing the average petal size for each species of iris with error bars for standard deviation.
    2. Report the p-value from the t-test.
    3. Which species of iris has larger petals? Interpret your p-value and explain in 1–2 sentences.
  5. Fertilizers provide supplemental nutrients for growing plants. Use a t-test to determine whether fertilizer A or fertilizer B results in a higher yield of corn (“yield” is the amount of corn that’s produced in an area). The data are attached as “05 Fertilizer efficacy data”.
    1. Create a bar graph showing the average yield for each type of fertilizer with errors bars for standard deviation.
    2. Report the p-value from the t-test.
    3. Which type of fertilizer was better (results in a higher yield)? Interpret your p-value and explain in 1–2 sentences.


A single document with your numbered and typed answers to the five questions above. Use 12-point Times New Roman with regular line spacing (single-spaced). Name the file “Data analysis_Lastname” and upload as a standard Word document (.docx) or PDF (.pdf).


This assignment addresses course outcome 1 and module learning objectives 1 and 2 and is worth a total of 30 points.

  • Each question is worth 6 points.
  • For questions with three subparts, each subpart is worth 2 points. 
  • For questions with five subparts, the first four subparts are each worth one point and the last is worth two. 

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