Read these Significant Texts:  Isaiah 1, 10, 58; Amos 5, 8; Micah 2, 6.


Important Points:


1. The biblical prophets speak for God to the people, delivering God’s word to them.

2. The two consistent themes throughout the prophetic literature are FIDELITY to the Covenant and JUSTICE.

3. The prophets constantly call the people back to fidelity and justice, for they have strayed from these again and again.

4. In the above texts and in others, the prophets call passionately for justice:  God is not pleased by empty sacrifices that are not backed up by right living; those who exploit the weak are condemned; God desires that those who are in need be cared for; God sees and is outraged by the injustices that deprive people of their livelihoods; God requires kindness, goodness, justice, doing what is right.


Significant Implications:


1. The prophets are outraged by unjust and dishonest practices that exploit the poor, just as they are outraged by lack of fidelity to the Covenant.  Injustice and infidelity are woven together.  Lip-service to God is not enough:  worship of God must be backed up with right living, doing right by people.

2. God’s care for ALL of the people has been demonstrated again and again.  There is no reason to turn to other gods.  Yahweh is a God of compassion, care, and mercy.

3. God cares especially for the weakest and most vulnerable.

4. As always, God expects God’s people to treat one another the way God treats them:  with compassion, integrity, and doing right by them (JUSTICE).

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