Case study (weighting 20%) – will assess the students’ ability to examine the effect of digital artefacts on end users. (LO2)
A case study is a research method to gain a better understanding of a subject or process. Case studies involve in-depth research into a given subject, in order to understand it’s functionality and successes. Mostly importantly: case studies are stories.
A fanzine (blend of fan and magazine or -zine) is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon (such as a literary or musical genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest.
- A Digital Fanzine Case Study
Pushing the boundaries of the digital media field, you have to come up with an AR fanzine (or a VR fanzine) related to something you love:
1. Sport
2. Music
3. Technology
4. Food
5. Book Genre or Individual book
- Festival Narratives Which Use Digital Media
- Sport/ Esports
2. Music
3. Technology
4. Food
5. Book Genre or Individual book
3. The Venice Biennale: 2021
Details to follow
What You Hand In:
Please come up with an idea for fanzine/ festival narrative/biennale theme you want to write about (linked to CW2 and 3).
You have to research 5 similar ideas or ideas close to your own idea.
You have to describe whether your idea sits within historical/ cultural context. Please demonstrate an understanding of content look and feel across your topic, with labelled images. You have to research your chosen topic and identify where specific aspects of the content from your idea would work well as digital artefact.
You are expected to develop a user experience research design plan for the part of your assessment. Please identify methods you would use to user test the narrative. Included in your case study should be a user persona of the type of person who would be interested in your fanzine idea. You have to make a plan to test out your digital media content, using real people.
NB It is especially important that you DO NOT use copyrighted images, sounds, video and you give credits where possible