Read the book Damned Lies and Statistics, Updated (2nd) Edition by Joel Best. Then write a 3-4 page paper that addresses the following:

According to Joel Best, where do bad statistics come from and why will they not go away? What suggestions does he give for improving statistical literacy?


Font: Times New Roman (12pt) or Calibri (11pt) Margins: 1” on all sides

Spacing: Double Throughout

Header: Include in the upper right or upper left corner your first and last name (nothing else).

Page Numbers: Include them either in the Header or Footer in 1 of the 4 corners of the paper

Reference Page: Any reference in-text must appear on a reference page at the end of your document. Any reference on the reference page must appear somewhere in your paper as an intext citation. Reference pages do not count towards the total page length of assignments.

Title Page: None.

Direct Quotes: This assignment is brief, thus, do not use any direct quotes.  You should give examples from the author, but these should be summarized in your own words without the need for direct quotes.

Reference Format: APA or ASA 

File Format: Must be MS Word compatible ending in either .doc or .docx.

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