
For this assignment, you will reflect on what you have learned this week. Then, you will develop a 3-page memo to explain specific anti-discrimination and employment law measures that a new employee should know while working at the company.

Be sure to incorporate the following into your memo:

  1. Cite specific examples to help you analyze and compare the history behind the development and expansion of employment laws.
  2. Provide reasoning to explain why the business currently has anti-discriminatory and specific employment regulations in place.
  3. Discuss reporting procedures for a new employee to report and discuss any observed or experienced discrimination in the workplace.

Length: 3-page memo

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards

Employment Law in the United States

Employment laws in the United States have evolved during its history to assist both employers and employees in conducting ethical and legal business activities in the workplace. As the values of the United States have changed over time so have the laws, from the civil rights laws to family medical leave laws, and beyond. As business activities have become more global, so does the implications of employment laws for all workers for a company that may be operating in multiple international locations. It is imperative that human resources professionals are aware of each of these laws and their implications as they relate to the organization for which they work. It is also important to understand the dynamics and communication techniques that occur within a business organization. If these laws are not completely understood by human resources professionals, the employer could be liable for not following the laws appropriately, causing poor relationships with employees, and costing a great deal of money and resources for the organization.

A few of the areas in which laws have been created and have evolved over time are those relating to anti-discrimination. Federal and state anti-discrimination laws have allowed human resource personnel to help foster a work environment that is both safe and productive.

Consider the situations in the past. People worked in environmentally hazardous conditions with no legal protection or assistance. Problems between employees were expected to be settled among themselves, often resulting in violence. Also, groups of different backgrounds often faced uphill challenges working in new work locations.

Today in the United States, employees have more legal protection in their workplace than ever before. These laws exist to protect certain individuals in the workplace and can be based on many aspects such as age, gender, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and so on. Current laws also allow communication and team cooperation to be fostered. It leads to increased productivity in the workplace and benefits everyone.

These laws are important to understand, as they affect so many different employees and can be confusing for a human resource professional to fully comprehend and follow. As you think about the rights of workers enhanced by anti-discrimination laws, have society and organizations become more tolerant and competitive due to less discrimination in the workplace?


EEOC. (2020). Discrimination Law and Practices. EEOC.

AAUW. (2020). Know Your Rights: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. AAUW.

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