Write a theory paper using critical theory with Family life cycle theory
Identify the above theories and use them as a model for understanding interracial married couples, Examine the theoretical explanation for an issue that has direct implications for the interventions selected for these interracial married couples who are black and Filipino military veterans.
For example, if patriarchy is the cause of violence against women (theory), interventions must ultimately address patriarchy and the status of women in society. An alternative approach to addressing theory is to focus on the theories behind interventions.
For example, if our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world are the theory behind the development of specific help-seeking behaviors, then an intervention that targets changing beliefs (e.g., cognitive processing therapy) makes sense.
Criteria of evaluation:
1) Introduction: A brief statement about the focus and purpose of the paper. The
introduction should give your reader an understanding of the theory you will focus on
and the level of social work intervention you will address. (1/2 page)
2) Your theory section needs to link to the underlying causes of the issue of concern.
Discuss the extent to which the theoretical perspectives are linked to any interventions
you discovered in your literature search.
3) Literature review: Review the research and writing about the theory from the scholarly
literature. Address the history of social work’s role with this issue and the social and
interpersonal factors that contribute to it. Summarize the state-of-the-art interventions.
Address any applicable explanatory theory and models of practice (3 pages). If you are
addressing a theory identified in an underrepresented population, it is possible there is
no great theory or model of practice. If that is the case, address this limitation and give
further explanation when discussing gaps in the literature.
4) Critique: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the state-of-the-art practice with this
dimension of the theory. Address gaps in services, inadequacies of programs,
problematic policies, and so on. (2 page)
5) Future directions for social work: Propose ways to strengthen what already exists and
new methods of alleviating the problem. Be concrete about what you, as a future social
work leader, would do to improve on the current state of the art. (2 pages)
6) Conclusion: Summarize the findings of your paper. What are your final thoughts on the
dimension of trauma and current social work practice? How might your critique
strengthen the role of social workers in this area? (1/2 page)
The content of this paper will be used in writing the final paper. The criteria of evaluation in
terms of presentation will be the length, APA style, and the uniformity of presentation, in addition
to the organization of the paper (titles, subtitles, etc.).
● Title page is required
● No abstract needed
● Follow APA 7th edition formatting guidelines
● Provide at least six peer-reviewed articles and/or book chapters to support your analysis.
Feel free to use the texts as a reference as well.
● Page length: 8
Collins, P. H. (2019). Chapter 1. Intersectionality as critical inquiry. In, Intersectionality as critical
social theory (pp. 21–50). Duke University Press.
Permalink: https://ezproxy.simmons.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=tr
Salas, L. M., Sen, S., & Segal, E. A. (2010). Critical theory: Pathway from dichotomous to
integrated social work practice. Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Social
Services, 91(1), 91–96. https://doi-org.ezproxy.simmons.edu/10.1606/1044-3894.396
D’Arrigo-Patrick, J., Hoff, C., Knudson-Martin, C., & Tuttle, A. (2017). Navigating critical theory
and postmodernism: Social justice and therapist power in family therapy. Family
Process, 3, 574. https://doi-org.ezproxy.simmons.edu/10.1111/famp.12236
Mehrotra, G. R., Hudson, K. D., and Self, J. M. (2018). A critical examination of key
assumptions underlying diversity and social justice courses in social work. Journal of
Progressive Human Services, 30(2), 127–147.
Houseworth, C. A., & Grayson, K. (2019). Intermarriage and the US Military. Armed Forces & Society, 45(4), 659-680.