
The purpose of this assignment is for students to submit all parts of the Final Education Practicum Project paper to include the results of the evaluation of the Education Practicum Project and Conclusion.  As a guideline, the final Education Practicum Project paper should be 15-20 pages long, depending on the number of references and appendices.

Due Date

Total Points Possible

200 points


Description of the Assignment

In this assignment, students will:

  1. Describe the results of their Education Practicum Project, based on the outcomes they have established for their Education Practicum Projects and consistent with their PICOT questions. They will describe quantitative and qualitative results and evaluate whether their intervention was effective. They will also describe the limitations of their project, if any.
  2. Write a conclusion for their final project including their initial purpose or goals, results, and advice for future educators.
  3. Entire Education Practicum Complete with all sections present, reference page, and appendices.

Criteria for Content

  1. Provides quantitative and/or qualitative results of the Capstone Project.
  2. Evaluation of effectiveness of the intervention
  3. Limitations of project
  4. Implications for theory development, research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.
  5. Conclusion of entire project, including purpose, results, and advice for educators.

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. Use the Education Practicum Project template for the assignment.
  2. Rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax are followed.
  3. APA formatting, a title page, and references are required.

Directions and Assignment Criteria: Final Education Practicum Project Paper

Assignment CriteriaPoints%Description
Results5025Descrives the quantitative and/or qualitative results of the Education Practicum Project intervention
Effectiveness of the Intervention50     25Evaluates whether the intervention was effective, based on data.
Limitations of the Project25     10Describes lmitations of the Education Practicum Project.
Implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.2510Describes the implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.
Conclusion of the entire Education Practicum Project 3020Provides a complete conclusion summarizing the purpose of the project, results of the project, and advice for educators.
Writing Mechanics and APA Format (current edition)2010Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, and APA format are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual.
Total  200100 % 

Grading Rubric

  Assignment CriteriaExceptional (100%) Outstanding or highest level of performanceExceeds (88%) Very good or high level of performanceMeets (80%) Competent or satisfactory level of performanceNeeds Improvement (38%) Poor or failing level of performanceDeveloping (0) Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points =  180 Points
Results50 Points44 Points40 Points19 Points0 Points
Provides appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative results of the Education Practicum Project interventionProvides appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative results of the  Education Practicum  Project intervention but misses one obvious analysis OR the analysis is somewhat inaccurate or incompleteProvides appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative results of the  Education Practicum Project intervention but misses two obvious analyses OR the analysis has several areas inaccurate or incompleteProvides minimal results of the  Education Practicum  Project interventionMakes minimal attempt to evaluate the results of the project.Does not provides any results of the  Education Practicum Project intervention
Evaluation of the intervention 50 Points44 Points40 Points19 Points0 Points
Fully evaluates whether the intervention was effective, based on data.Partially evaluates whether the intervention was effective, based on data.Minimally evaluates whether the intervention was effective, based on data.Barely evaluates whether the intervention was effective and the evaluation was not based on data.Does not evaluate whether the intervention was effective.
Limitations of the project25 Points22 Points20 Points10 Points0 Points
Fully describes limitations of the Education Practicum Project.Describes limitations of the  Education Practicum Project but misses one limitation   OR   Description is somewhat unclear.Describes limitations of the  Education Practicum Project but misses more than one limitation OR Description is very unclearBarely describes limitations of the  Education Practicum  Project.Does not describe limitations of the  Education Practicum Project.
Implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.25 Points22 Points20 Points10 Points0 Points
Fully describes the implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice. Partially describes the implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.Minimally describes the implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.Attempts to describes the implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.Does not describe the  implications for theory development, further research, teaching, and/or clinical practice.
Conclusion of the entire Education Practicum Project  30 Points27 Points25 Points12 Points0 Points
Fully summarizes the purpose of the project, results of the project, and advice for educators.Partially  summarizes the purpose of the project, results of the project, and advice for educators.Mnimally  summarizes the purpose of the project, results of the project, and advice for educators.Attempts to  summarize the purpose of the project, results of the project, and advice for educators.Does not summarizesthe purpose of the project, results of the project, and advice for educators.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Content Subtotal ________of 180  points
Content Possible Points – 20 12 Points6 Points
APA, Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax20 Points18 Points16 Points8 Points0 Points 
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, and APA format are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual with no more than 0-1 errors.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, and APA format are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual with no more than 2-3 errors.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, and APA format are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual with no more than 4-5 errors.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, and APA format are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual with no more than 6-7 errors.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, and APA format are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual with no more than 8 or > errors. 
                                                                                                                                                                 Format Subtotal_____of  20 points
Total Points_____of  200 points

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