Passage: Acts 9:36-43

  1. Summarize: Determine the author’s main point. In 1-2 paragraphs (200-400 words) explain what you think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember two things. First, this passage is made up of both action and dialogue. Thus, this passage is both showing and telling us something. Second, words like “I,” “We,” “Us,” and “Our” are application words and not interpretation words. Thus, they should not be used in your answer for this question. Interpretation is about “then and there” and not “here and now.” We were not there so the passage is not about us. Our “part” in the passage is the application or how we will respond to God’s Word.
  • Identify: Based on your answer above, write out one principle from this passage. You should be able to express this principle in 1-3 sentences. Please remember that words like “I,” “We,” “Us,” and “Our” are application words and not interpretation words.
  • Check: Consult at least one scholarly resource in order to offer support for the principle that you believe the passage is teaching. In 1-2 paragraphs (200-400 words), cite and interact with this scholarly resource in order to demonstrate that it supports your interpretive conclusion. Please consult the “Commentaries” as well as the “Bible Dictionaries & Handbooks” tabs found on the research guide provided by the Jerry Falwell Library in order to access academic and scholarly resources. The research guide can be found by following the link below:

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