Student Name: __________________________

Assignment #4

            •           In your own words, explain how an electrical impulse is generated and propagated along a neuron. How do the nodes of Ranvier increase the speed of propagation? (10 marks)

            •            Compare and contrast the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. In your answer, include two major differences between the final haploid sperm cell and the final haploid egg cell. (10 marks)

            •           In the previous unit, you learned about organ systems. Name three organ systems in humans that are affected by the endocrine system. For each organ system named, identify a hormone that influences that system. For each hormone named, describe how the hormone works to affect the organ system. (10 marks)

            •           Explain (again, in your own words!) how your biceps muscle functions to pull your forearm towards your upper arm. Your explanation should include the molecular interactions, the cellular interactions, and the anatomical mechanism. (10 marks)

Total: /40

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