FPM Resit Questions

Answer all 22 questions.  There are 308 marks available.

Show all necessary working.

Answers should be hand written.  Typed answers will not be marked.

1.         Prove each of the following identities:

            (i)               (ii) 

(16 marks)

2.         Solve the equation      for  x  in the range .

(18 marks)

3.         The 6th term of an arithmetic progression is 10 and the 14th term is 34.

            (i)   Find the first term and the common difference.

            (ii)  Find the sum of the first n terms in terms of n.

            (iii) Find the sum of the terms from the 11th to the 30th inclusive.

(16 marks)

4.         Expand   in ascending powers of z up to and including the term in .

            Hence expand   in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in .

(10 marks)

5.         If  find  and .

            Hence find the values of the constants a and b so that  is identically true.

 (12 marks)

6.         If   where , find and simplify .

            Find the values of x for which .

            Find the greatest and least values of y.

(12 marks)

7.         Evaluate:         (i)                    (ii) .

 (16 marks)

8.         Using integration by parts, determine:

                                    (i)                              (ii)                    

 (14 marks)

9.  The vectors a, b and c are defined by ,  and .

    (a)   Express the vector    in terms of   i, j and k.

    (b)   Evaluate the magnitudes of the vectors  b, c and .

    (c)   Evaluate the product  .

(12 marks)

10.  The position vectors of the points A, B and C are given by ,             

     and  respectively with respect to a fixed origin O.

     (a)   Show that  and .

            Show that the angle ACB is a right angle.

     (b)  Find the area of the triangle ABC.

            Hence, or otherwise, show that the shortest distance from C to AB is .

 (24 marks)

11.  (a) The complex number z satisfies the equation


            Solve the equation for  z and express z in the form .

     (b)  Calculate the two square roots of .

 (20 marks)

12.  The complex numbers  are given by  and .

     (a)   (i)   Evaluate  and .

            (ii)  Mark on an Argand diagram the points  which represent the numbers


     (b)  (i)   Evaluate the modulus and argument of .

                   Write each number in polar form.

            (ii)  Hence, or otherwise, evaluate the modulus and argument of   and  .

(24 marks)

13.       Solve = 0

  • marks)

14.         Find b such that the following set of equations has a non trivial solution:

3x + 3y –  z      = 0

5x  –  y – 4z     = 0

3x – 4y + bz     = 0

  • marks)

15.       If A = write down and evaluate the expression for detA using the elements and minors of row 1 of A.

  • marks)

16.       If A = show that A is singular.

(6 marks)

17.       Find the solution of the differential equation

that satisfies the condition , expressing your answer in the form .

(10 marks)

18.       Use Maclaurin’s Theorem to express as series of increasing powers of x: (i) tan x, up to the term in  (ii) ln(1 + x), up to the term in x4.

            (14 marks)

19.       If

                 (a) express  in partial fractions,

                 (b) find the first four terms in the series expansion of  in ascending powers of x,

                 (c) find the coefficient of  in the series expansion of  in ascending powers of x,

                 (d) find the range of values of x for which the series converges.

(18 marks)

20.       Show on a diagram the area enclosed between the curve  the line  and the y-axis.

            By expressing this area as an integral, evaluate the area.

 (12 marks)

21.       (a) If ,  evaluate .

            (b) Evaluate       (i)   (ii)      (iii)

 (16 marks)

22.       By using mathematical induction, prove that .

            By using the series, evaluate the sum of the cubes of the even integers from 2 to 20 inclusive.

(15 marks)





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