Organizations need diverse teams of critical and creative thinkers who can collaborate by sharing opinions and good judgement when making decisions.  I would like you to research the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument regarding how the brain, which is divided into quadrants, measures and refers to a person’s thinking preference.  The left brain describes an individual’s facts in blue (e.g., logical, analytical) and forms in green (e.g., organizational and implementation skills), while the right brain describes the experimental in yellow (e.g., imagination, intuitive) and relational in red (e.g., emotional, expressive) characteristics.  Please note that no citations are required.

Keep in mind that when assessing issues and finding solutions, you never need an immediate response, as long as you have a well-developed solution in a manageable period.  However, some professions do need immediate responses in a life and death situation as mentioned in discussion three.

As a leader, how would you develop a diverse culture of critical thinkers in your organization so others could work through their problems and contribute to their team while completing their tasks? 


No Direct Quotes, No Bullets, No Abbreviations, and No Contractions allowed . . . your full interpretation of the content and in an academic sentence/paragraph format (i.e., at least 5 sentences per paragraph).  Your response should address each of the questions presented. 

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