Motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, is a component of decision-making and determines which goals we select and prioritize.  The COMINT model of decision-making (COgnition and Motivation INTegration) explicates the influence of motivation for the decision maker regarding how information is processed.  The quality of the decision-making process depends on both the motivation to search for information and to ignore information.  

This discussion has three parts:

  1. Explain what motivates you to get up in the morning and are your motivations always the same?
  2. Do you feel that motivation comes from within you or part of your environment? Please explain.
  3. List one motivational quote or mantra that you use in your life. Explain your reasoning.


No Direct Quotes, No Bullets, No Abbreviations, and No Contractions allowed . . . your full interpretation of the content and in an academic sentence/paragraph format (i.e., at least 5 sentences per paragraph).  Your response should address each of the questions presented. 

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