College courses are meant to advance knowledge. Learning on the college level requires that you connect yourself with information and materials in class. In order to learn more about emerging scientific issues relevant to the health sciences, research a disease of interest by examining articles and information you learned in class . You must individually write an essay. Duplicates will not be accepted. Below are the essay requirement and possible points

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  1. Give background on the specific subject. Up to 2 points (300 words minimum)
    1. History of the disease
    1. The age one normally gets this disease
    1. Symptoms and modes of transmission
    1. Ways to avoid the disease
  2. Describe the normal functioning and pathology of the physiological system. Up to 2 points (300 words minimum)
    1. How the disease changes function of the organ system
    1. How the disease affects the body as a whole.
  3. Appropriate clinical and therapeutic interventions Up to 2 points (300 words minimum)
    1. Diagnostic tests
    1. Treatment’s mechanism of action (How does it work?)
    1. Duration of treatment
    1. Current research to find a cure or better treatment for the disease
  4. Conclusions from the research. Up to 2 points (300 words minimum)
    1. How a person’s daily life is affected by the disease
    1. Information on the cost of having the disease, such as for treatment, medications, hospitalization, etc.
    1. Why should the public care about the disease?
  5. Bibliography APA style 1 point must include a peer reviewed journal
  6. Essay content, structure and support  up to 1 point

Topic is presented successfully in an understandable and convincing manner. Provides a well-developed analysis of the evidence, clearly distinguishes among facts, opinions, and assumptions, discusses validity of scientific studies or other evidence. Sources are integrated into the text of your paper by using quotations.

Step #1 Make sure it is a peer reviewed journal

Reading Scholarly Journal Articles

Scholarly articles are published in peer reviewed journals, issued by academic institutions or professional organizations. These scholarly articles are complex – not easy reading – and comprehending them requires attentiveness and practice. The authors are scholars, researchers, and experts in a given field of study who usually assume the reader has some prior knowledge of the topic, since the primary audience are readers familiar with this field: scholars, researchers, professors, and students. 

These journal articles may have different purposes: a review article, a theory building article, a meta analysis, or an empirical research article (the kind most often read by students).  Scholarly articles of all types include thorough documentation of primary and/or secondary research, since the article’s main purposes are to contribute the findings from original or experimental research to the existing body of knowledge, to help answer important questions, and to advance scholarly conversations in the discipline.

Step #2 Make sure it is a research article not an article review

What’s the difference between a research article and a review article?

Research articles, sometimes referred to as empirical or primary sources, report on original research. They will typically include sections such as an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.

Review articles, sometimes called literature reviews or secondary sources, synthesize or analyze research already conducted in primary sources. They generally summarize the current state of research on a given topic.

Research article follow this standard format:


  • Provides a summary of the article, including the results or findings  


  • Poses a research question or hypothesis
  • Establishes why this question or issue matters
  • Provides background and gives limits of the study 

Literature Review 

  • Updates the reader on previous scholarship on this topic (Note: the extent of the literature review varies, depending on topic and type of journal) 

Research Method 

  • Discusses hypothesis being tested or research question being investigated
  • Describes strategies for research: qualitative (interviews, surveys, person-to-person research, or observation) and/or quantitative (data garnered via measurements) 

Results or Findings

  • Presents data from the research (may use tables or charts to present data) 


  • Interprets the findings or results and applies them to the research question
  • Explains what was learned, why it matters, and what is left inconclusive


  • Presents implications of the research
  • Gives suggestions for further study 


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