Name: __________________________________           Date: __________________                 

Operational Art & Design Exam

Instructions:  The exam is worth a total of 100 points and consists of a Part One and Part Two.  C402 Part One has six requirements; Part one focuses on the strategic theater level of war. C402 Part Two has four requirements for you to answer; Part Two focuses on the operational level of war. 

There is one readings for the exam. Use the “OP DESERT SHIELD and Desert Storm Case Study”.

Read this documents thoroughly, and then answer the exam questions, which begin on page three of this document.  The primary doctrinal reference is Joint Publication 5-0 The Operations Process (2017).  Other references include:

  • JP 1-0 Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States (2013)
  • JP 1-02 DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (2016) 
  • JP 3-0 Joint Operations (2017)
  • FM 3-0 Operations (2017)

Format:  Your answers to the exam questions must be typed and double-spaced throughout, and must use Arial 12-pitch font and one-inch margins.  Write your answers as complete sentences in the spaces provided underneath the respective questions and not as bullet comments. 

If you state, summarize, or paraphrase information from the lessons, readings, or doctrinal references as part of your answer, you must give a citation in accordance with (Turabian endnotes or footnotes). 

Overview: On 2 August 1990, Iraqi forces under Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait with the intent of placing what it claimed as its ‘nineteenth province’ under Iraqi control.  President Bush condemned the invasion and met with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Colin Powell; US Central Command Commander, General Norman Schwarzkopf; and National Security Council members in determining a response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. A decision was made for US Central Command (USCENTCOM) to develop potential military options while other senior United States Government officials conferred with neighboring nations in the region.  On August 4, USCENTCOM Commander, General Schwarzkopf, briefed President Bush on a proposed plan for the deployment of a defensive force to Saudi Arabia.   The following day, senior United States Government (USG) officials consulted with King Fahd of Saudi Arabia on the proposed defensive plan and to assure Saudi leaders of President Bush’s pledge of support for the Kingdom’s security and stability. On 9 August 1990, an element of the XVIII Airborne Corps arrived in Saudi Arabia in preparation for the arrival of the ready brigade of the 82d Airborne Division in support of OP DESERT SHIELD.  OP DESERT SHIELD would serve as a defensive force to defend Saudi Arabia and to buy time for follow on heavy forces to arrive into country.  OP DESERT STORM is a clear example of the use of operational art that guides joint operations today.  Modern warfare demands a joint approach (JP 5-0). 

you must be able to APPLY what you have learned about operational art and design.     


Questions in this part of the exam are about events that occurred during OP DESERT SHIELD but are focused on the Theater Strategic level.  OP DESERT SHIELD (Defense of Saudi Arabia 2 August 1990-16 January 1991) was a Major Operation in support of the Southwest Asia Campaign. A campaign is a series of related major operations aimed at accomplishing strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space (JP 5-0 pages II-22). Your answers on this portion of the exam will focus on the Theater Strategic issues of Operational Art.  

Joint planning is the deliberate process of determining how (the ways) to use military capabilities (the means) in time and space to achieve objectives (the ends) while considering the associated risks. Ideally, planning begins with specified national strategic objectives and military end states to provide a unifying purpose around which actions and resources are focused. (JP 5-0 2017, I-1)

1.  Describing the Operational Environment [20 points]

Planning requires an understanding of the OE as it exists and changes. Unlike concepts and future development, adaptive planning is based on continuous monitoring and understanding of actual conditions affecting the OE such as current friendly and adversary force postures, readiness, geopolitical conditions, and adversary perceptions.  (JP 5-0 2017, I-4) 

The OE is the composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander. It encompasses physical areas and factors of the air, land, maritime, and space domains; the electromagnetic spectrum; and the information environment (which includes cyberspace). Included within these areas are the adversary, friendly, and neutral actors that are relevant to a specific joint operation.”   See JP 5-0 pages IV-10 to IV-14 for additional detail.

Area of Interest
Area of Operations
Line of Communications
You are a planner on the CINCCENT staff in August 1990.  Using the portion of the reading focused on OP DESERT SHIELD, describe the theater operational environment. Be sure to describe the conditions, circumstances, and influences that are relevant to the United States and its Coalition partners deploying forces to Saudi Arabia for OP DESERT SHIELD.  Limit your answer to no more than (NMT) 250 words.  

2.  U.S. Strategic Theater Level objectives [10 points]   

JP 5-0 states “the President, SecDef, and CJCS all promulgate strategic guidance. In general, this guidance provides long-term as well as intermediate or ancillary objectives. It should define what constitutes victory or success (ends) and identify available forces, resources, and authorities (means) to achieve strategic objectives.” (JP 5-0 2017, IV-8)

On 5 August, after consultations with allies, President Bush characterized the invasion as “naked aggression” and stated “this shall not stand.” The President decisively framed US national policy objectives:- Immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait;- Restoration of Kuwait’s legitimate government;- Security and stability of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf; and- Safety and protection of the lives of American citizens abroad. (Case Study, 7)   Identify the theater strategic objectives outlined in the Case Study and explain how they do and do not support the national policy objectives.  Limit your answer to NMT 250 words.

3.  Risk [10 points]

Assessing and articulating risks and opportunities while identifying potential mitigation strategies are fundamental to joint planning. Planning provides decision makers an honest assessment of the costs and potential consequences of military actions. (JP 5-0 2017, I-3)

JP 5-0 states that Risk “defines aspects of the campaign or operation in which the commander will accept risk in lower or partial achievement or temporary conditions.” (JP 5-0 2017, IV-19)

Describe how the United States and its Coalition partners accepted risk (window of vulnerability in the reading) in immediately deploying elements of the 82d Airborne Division to Saudi Arabia in the early days of OP DESERT SHIELD. (Your description should identify the operational risk, risk mitigation, and opportunities associated with accepting the risk)  Limit your answer to no more than 150 words.

4.  Decisive Points [30 points]   

A decisive point is a geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that, when acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an adversary or contribute materially to achieving success (JP 5-0). 

List by type (geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function) THREE decisive points (not objectives) you identify as important to achieve the Theater Strategic Level objectives during OP DESERT SHIELD.  Justify, based on the definition of a decisive point, why they are decisive points.  Limit your answer to no more than 150 words total per DP.

DP 1: 



DP 2: 



DP 3: 



5. Culmination [20 points]

A culmination point is the point at which a force no longer has the capability to continue its form of operations, offense or defense (JP 5-0). Understanding the concept of culmination is critical to success in operational warfare.  It helps operational planners determine those factors or events that could cause either an attacker or defender to fail to achieve its operational objectives (increasing the risk of its eventual defeat).  [See JP 5-0 2017, Chapter IV for additional information]

List and briefly explain two possible events which might induce Coalition culmination during OP DESERT SHIELD without being defeated.  [NOTE: As part of your answer explain the event and show how this event will cause culmination without attrition by numbers (defeat).] Your answer should be no more than 250 words total.

Culmination Point Event 1:


Culmination Point Event 2:  


6. Ethics [10 points.]                                            

JP 5-0 defines acceptability as: The joint operation plan review criterion for assessing whether the contemplated course of action is proportional, worth the cost, consistent with the law of war, and is militarily and politically supportable.

During Operations DESERT SHIELD / DESERT STORM, Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein used thousands of foreign and Iraqi civilians, both voluntarily and involuntarily, as human shields in bid to manipulate foreign opinion and to deter Coalition military attacks on potential targets in Kuwait and Iraq.  Some that voluntarily served as human shields did so in the belief they were protecting innocent human life.  Saddam Hussein argued that the use of human shields was justified because they volunteered. Explain:Was Iraq justified or not justified in using human shields, voluntarily or non-voluntarily, to protect key military installations during the conflict?  Why or why not? Ensure you address legal and ethical issues under Jus in Bello and international lawin your explanation.  Your answer should be no more than 250 words.

PART TWO: OPERATIONAL LEVEL OF WAR [100 points possible]

Questions in this part of the exam are about events that occurred during OP DESERT STORM and are focused on the Operational Level of war. Your answers on this portion of the exam will focus on the Operational Level issues of Operational Art. 

A campaign is a series of related operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space. (JP 5-0 2017 page GL-6)  OP DESERT STORM (Liberation and Defense of Kuwait 17 January-11 April 1991) was a Major Operation in support of the Southwest Asia Campaign.

7.  Operational Level Objectives [10 points]

JP 5-0 2017 defines the military end state as “set of required conditions that defines achievement of all military objectives. It normally represents a point in time and/or circumstances beyond which the President does not require the military instrument of national power as the primary means to achieve remaining national objectives.”  An objective is “the clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which an operation is directed.”

Identify the Operational Level objectives for OP DESERT STORM and explain how they do and do not support the National Policy Objectives. (Refer to question 2) Your answer should be NMT 150 words.

8.  Operational Center of Gravity [40 points total]   Centers of Gravity (COG) are linked to objectives that achieve the military end state.   COGs can be derived from an ends, ways, and means analysis and have associated critical factors—critical capabilities, critical requirements, and critical vulnerabilities.   You will identify the Iraqi Center of Gravity during OP DESERT STORM and its critical factors. The required video from C402, Arguing the OE, Episode 14: Identifying the Center of Gravity, Eikmeier Method, describes center of gravity as the actor that possesses, or is the executor of, the critical capability that will achieve the desired objective.  JP 5-0 states; “At the strategic level, a COG could be a military force, an alliance, political or military leaders, a set of critical capabilities or functions, or national will.  At the operational level, a COG often is associated with the adversary’s military capabilities – such as a powerful element of the armed force.”  

A. Operational Military Objective (10 points)

What was the Iraqi Operational Level main objective(s) during OP DESERT STORM? (Your answer should justify the end state determination.)  Limit your answer to 50 words.

B. Center of Gravity Analysis (30 points).  Complete the OP DESERT STORM CoG Analysis Iraqi Operational Level Forces quad chart below.  Type your answers into the 4 text boxes; the text boxes will expand to fit your answer.  Bullet points are authorized for the COG Matrix.

Quick Review Note:

Critical Capabilities are objectives (critical actions/tasks) that are essential to achieving the end state.

Center of Gravity: At the Operational level the COG is the unit that has the potential, if successful, of achieving the Operational Objective or End State.

Critical Requirements enable the COG to do its job. They are resources and conditions needed by the COG to accomplish the critical capabilities.

Critical Vulnerabilities are Critical Requirements that can be attacked in some way and would endanger the COG or its ability to achieve the CCs if compromised. CVs are a subset of CRs. If it is a CV it must first be a CR.

OP Desert Storm CoG Analysis Iraqi Operational Level Forces
Critical Capabilities (Minimum of 2)     Center of Gravity (Maximum of 1)          CoG:   
Critical Requirements (Minimum of 3)Critical Vulnerabilities (Minimum of 3)

9.  Maneuver [20 points]

Commanders must determine the best arrangement of joint force and component operations to conduct the assigned tasks and joint force mission. This arrangement often will be a combination of simultaneous and sequential operations to reach the end state conditions with the least cost in personnel and other resources. (See JP 5-0 2017, IV-36-38 for additional detail)

Explain how the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) and the Joint Force Maritime Component Commander (JFMCC) supported the ground scheme of maneuver in OP DESERT STORM.  [Note: as part of your answer address component command actions and two effects for each relative to the ground maneuver in Phase IV] Your answer should be NMT 250 words.



10.  Lines of Operation (LOO) [10 points].

JP 3-0 describes maneuver as “the employment of forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy.  Maneuver of forces relative to enemy COGs can be key to the JFC’s mission accomplishment.  Through maneuver, the JFC can concentrate forces at decisive points to achieve surprise, psychological effects, and physical momentum.  Maneuver also may enable or exploit the effects of massed or precision fires.”

“A LOO defines the interior or exterior orientation of the force in relation to the enemy or that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related in time and space to an objective(s).” “A force operates on interior lines when its operations diverge from a central point.”  “A force operates on exterior lines when its operations converge on the enemy.” (JP 5-0, IV-28)

Explain which type of LOO best characterizes General Schwarzkopf’s Operational Approach for OP DESERT STORM.  Your answer should be NMT 150 words.

11.  Operational Reach [20 points]

“Operational reach is the distance and duration across which a joint force can successfully employ military capabilities. Although reach may be constrained or limited by the geography in and around the OA, it may be extended through forward positioning of capabilities and resources, increasing the range and effectiveness of weapon systems, leveraging HNS and contract support (system, external, theater) and maximizing the throughput efficiency of the distribution architecture.”  The concept of operational reach is inextricably tied to Arranging Operations. (JP 5-0 2017, IV-35)

Explain the Operational Reach issues involved in General Schwarzkopf’s ground scheme of maneuver and effects if the ground war had lasted longer.  Your answer should be NMT 250 words.

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