The following learning outcomes for the module are applicable to this Assessment:

• Have an advanced knowledge of the range of research designs, research methodologies, research epistemologies, sampling methods and research methods that are commonly used in health and social care research

• Understand the principles of qualitative and quantitative data analysis

• To critically explore ethical issues in health and social care research


Your response should be 1000 words.

The poster should be prepared with Power Point, the dimensions should be 22*33 (595*841mm).

Your assessment should be in the form of a poster presentation. Please choose a topic which is relevant to infection control or public health. This must be a different topic to any of the topics that you have previously chosen for this module (Research Methods) and must be suitable for a mixed methods approach. Undertake an in-depth exploration of the available academic literature on this topic and identify a research gap in relation to the topic which you would like to research. Please then plan a mixed methods research project to explore your topic in more depth. Please ensure that you explain the type of the mixed method research, the reason it was chosen (the type of quantitative and qualitative collection and the type/way of combination, e.g explanatory, exploratory).  Your poster presentation could contain the following elements:

• Overview of topic

• Rationale for study and identification of research gap

• Research question and aim

• Description and justification of the research design, methodology, epistemology, research methods and sampling

• Potential ethical issues to be considered and recommendations of how these would be addressed when undertaking the research

• An awareness of the limits of evidence (If you undertook this piece of research what limitations would potentially be present)

Last, in a word document answer the following questions:

1. Why have you used these research tools rather than alternatives?

2. Why did you choose this sample?

3. What challenges do you think you may come across when collecting your data?

4. How would you try to mitigate the limitations of your research? How possible is this?

Your poster and your written answers to the questions above should not be more than 1000 words (plus 10%) in length.

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