FdSc Nursing -Assignment Brief- Level 5 – Essay

Module  Essentials of research and innovative practice  
Learning Outcomes      Analyse research evidence related to an area of your practice Make recommendations for practice change related to an area of your practice based upon your empirical evaluation of the evidence
AssignmentWritten account
Word Count3000 words There is a 10% +/- in relation to the word limit for this assignment. 100% weighting, learning outcomes 1 and 2.
MarkingThe marking for your written account is based upon the standard faculty criteria for Level 5 which can be found in the Marking Criteria – Appendix 1 (at the back of this booklet) and the Assignment Brief on Moodle.   For this assignment, you will be required to write in the 3rd person.
Assignment BriefHow to Structure your assignment   You MUST include of all the following headings and lay out your assignment as follows: Title – This should be your research question.IntroductionPrimary Study Review: Type of study EthicsSampleData Collection and Data AnalysisKey FindingsRecommendations for PracticeConclusionReferences
Introduction   (300 words)State what you are going to do – refer to the learning outcomes to construct your opening statement and make sure that each learning outcome is covered, for example, you may write: “This assignment will analyse one primary research study related to practice and, following analysis of the findings, make recommendations for practice change”. You MUST provide background information to your chosen topic in the introduction which MUST be supported with references. You MUST provide a clear rationale for your choice of topic and link it to practice. For example: “The topic of fathers and antenatal education was chosen because ……”   Note – When considering your rationale, also think about evidence-based practice (EBP). For example, what is EBP and why is it important to practice? What does the NMC say about EBP and your role as a registered nursing associate?   Your Research Question – within the introduction, state what your research question is, for example: “Therefore, this assignment will critically analyse one primary research study, related to practice, to answer the following research question: “What are the advantages of including fathers in antenatal classes?” “The primary study to be analysed is as follows; Jones (2017), a Prospective Cohort Study which aimed to …………………………”   Note – the aim of your chosen research study should be directly related to your research question. In other words, you need to select a research study which MUST be able to answer your research question.   Do not – use your chosen primary study to reference your background information. Do not – answer your research question in the introduction (this comes after you have analysed the findings).   Remember your introduction MUST be fully referenced.  
Learning Outcome 1 (1600 words) Primary Study Review and Discussion            Analyse research evidence related to an area of your practice.   You must analyse ONE primary research article related to your practice. You will structure your work using a series of headings and sub-headings (see Assignment Brief section [above] on how to structure your assignment.   Type of study (study design) –Analyse the study design used by the researcher. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the study design. Where does the study design fit in the hierarchy of evidence? What is the hierarchy of evidence and what does it tell us?Was the study design appropriate for the aims of the research study and why?If not, what other study design(s) would have been more appropriate, and why?Ethics – What is ethics and why is it important in research? Have the study authors mentioned ethics? Did they get ethical approval? If ethics has not been mentioned, why might this be? Was the study published in a peer review journal? If so, what does this mean, is it a good thing?How have the rights of the research participants been protected (think of the principles of ethics)? Has informed consent been given? What is it and why is it important?   Sample – How was the sample selected? In other words, what type of sampling method was used (e.g., random sampling method, volunteer sampling method, convenience sampling method, systematic sampling method, stratified sampling method, etc.)? Discuss the advantages and limitations of the sampling method used. Is there another sampling method that may have been more appropriate? If so, what, and why? What is the relevance of sample size? Is the sample size appropriate and, if so, why? If not, why not?Does the sample reflect the target population and what does this mean? How is this related to generalisability/transferability (also known as external validity).   Data Collection and Data Analysis –               General considerations: What type of data collection method(s) is/are used in the study? Are they appropriate? If so, why?Are the data collection methods standardised/ validated? What is the significance of this? Are there other data collection methods that may have been more beneficial? If so, what are they and why?   Here are some examples of specific data collection methods and, if used in your research study, are things to consider:    Interviews – Who were the interviewers? Did they receive training to minimise bias? Where did the interviews take place? How may this impact the research? Were specific tools used, such as an interview question guide, note taking, or use of audio tape recorder? Was there any evidence of interview bias and what are the implications of this? Was the interview the most appropriate data collection method? If not, what other data collection method may have been more appropriate?   Questionnaires – what is the type and format of the questionnaire (example, open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, Likert Scale, etc.) and what are the advantages and limitations of this? Were the questionnaires administered appropriately? Were the same questionnaires standardised and the same questionnaire used for all research participants? Why is this important?   Physiological measurements – does the researcher provide a rationale for why an instrument or method was used? If so, what is the rationale, and does it make sense? Was provision was made for maintaining the accuracy of the instrument and its use, for example quality control checks, calibration, maintenance, and servicing etc? If so, what, and why is this important?   Observational methods – who did the observing? Were the observers trained to minimise bias? Did they use an observational guide (standardisation)? Were the observers required to draw any conclusions about what they saw? Is there any reason to believe the presence of observers affects the behaviour of research participants?   Use of data and records – were the records used appropriate to the problem being studied? What are some of the potential problems in using records to collect data (example, medical records) in research?   Data analysis – were the data analysis procedures appropriate for the study design? Why?   Note – in your discussion of data collection and data analysis, what did the researcher do to avoid bias and ensure reliability and validity? Why is this important   Key Findings/ Resultsthings to consider:Did the researchers measure what they set out to measure (internal validity)? In other words, do the findings relate to the stated aim of the research study?What were the findings/main themes of the research study? What other studies support or refute these findings? Introduce, discuss, and reference these studies within your discussion of the findings. Can any generalisations be made (external validity) if so, what are they? What do the findings mean for practice? Does the researcher state the level of significance of their findings (for example, the P Value)? If so, what is it and are the findings significant?   NOTE: Throughout the various sections of your essay, it is important to address validity (internal and external), reliability, and bias (where relevant) in relation to the research design, sample, data collection, data analysis and findings.   Note – once you have analysed the findings, sum them up in relation to your research question and clearly identify whether your research question been answered.   For example, you may write:   “Following analysis of the findings the research question, “What are the advantages of including fathers in antenatal classes?” has been answered, because …………………….” (Keep this very brief – only summarise in a sentence or two – as you have already analysed the findings).   Then, for example, you may write:   “Consequently, the following recommendations for practice will be made:”   Remember: Throughout your assignment, reference all your ideas, arguments, and key points to ensure that you properly support your work with evidence.  
Learning Outcome 2 (800 words) Recommendations for Practice      Make recommendations for practice change related to an area of your practice based upon your empirical evaluation of the evidence     Recommendations for Practice  Note – include a minimum of 3 separate recommendations.   Note – Link your recommendations to your practice and, whenever possible, make recommendations that you could implement as a nursing associate.   State clearly what your recommendations are and discuss each recommendation separately, for example:   “The first recommendation is that midwives should receive special training to address the specific needs of men in the antenatal period”. State why the recommendation is important (i.e., in the example above, you might explore the needs of men in the antenatal period, why education and training are important for healthcare professionals, the importance of evidence-based practice, and the implications for patient care and practice). Think about who the recommendation will be made to (for example, who could facilitate the implementation of your recommendation? Explore and discuss this and your role, as a nursing associate, in the implementation of the recommendation. Where would the training take place and why?Who would perform the training, and why? What would the training consist of? For each recommendation, you MUST identify actual or potential barriers to it and discuss solutions to overcome them.   “The second recommendation is …………   “The third recommendation is ………….   Note – to provide a fully considered recommendation, you must think more broadly, utilise wider evidence, and create some critical discussion within each of your recommendationsNote – each recommendation is unique, and your discussion of them MUST be fully supported by references.   Considerations – you may wish to consider other general factors that may impact the implementation of your recommendations, such as resistance to change, and how implementing change may be managed, such as by using the Plan Do Act Study (PDSA) model of change (or another model).  
Conclusion   (300 words)          Your conclusion should summarise the discussions, main points, and key themes, put forward throughout your essay (learning outcome 1 and learning outcome 2). For example, you may write: “To conclude, this assignment has critically analysed a primary research study, related to practice, to answer the research question, “What are the advantages of including fathers in antenatal classes?” Note – summarise the whole of your assignment (not just findings). For example: What were the key points, discussions/arguments, points of interest, etc., throughout each of the sections of your assignment? Do not introduce new information/references. Important notes Use BCU Harvard referencing throughout. Use references from a wide range of reliable sources. Ensure you are clearly meeting the learning outcomes. Critical analysis throughout using evidence to support your work. Link theory to practice -Make recommendations related to your practice and ones that you could implementin your role as a nursing associate.

Structure and Presentation of your assignment:

  • This assignment MUST be written in third person.
  • Please ensure that you include an electronic submission front sheet with your student number, the module code, and the module title.
  • Please submit your work as one-word document, cut, and paste the front sheet to the assignment
  • Please use double line spacing and Arial font size 12
  • Number each page.
  • The word count is 3000. Your reference list is not included in your word count.
  • There is a 10% +/- in relation to the word limit for this assignment.
  • Please ensure that you adhere to the BCU Harvard-style referencing system.  Guidance on this is available to download from the library website.
  • Ensure you follow the assignment brief when writing your essay.
  • Attention to accurate use of English grammar, punctuation, and spelling is essential.
  • Make use of one-to-one tutorials and email support from your module tutor when preparing your essay.


Confidentiality must always be maintained. Failure to do so will result in a technical failure with a mark of 1% being awarded.

If you refer to a patient/client by name, a pseudonym (made up name) must be used and identified as such by including a clear statement to that effect. Please do not identify the trust or organisation that you work within. If you would like to refer to Trust policies, please use BCU Harvard Referencing Guidelines for correct referencing technique.

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