In the following, ‘the authors’ refers to the set of authors of the readings on “Ethical Status of Robots and AI”.

Write an essay in which you focus on some specific question that generates controversy and arises in the ethics of robots and AI. This should be a question on which 2 of the authors would disagree about the answer given their stance on various matters (they do not have to have actually provided their answer to the question itself). In this essay you will explain and defend your own answer to this question (your answer to this question should be your thesis statement).

Along the way you will need to do ALL of the following:

  • Explain the background to the question and why it is important.
    o Here it is a good idea to consider a detailed example or multiple examples, explain what the question says and doesn’t say, anticipate potential misunderstandings, explain pertinent terminology/concepts, etc. Only discuss things that are directly relevant to the question.
  • Explain how TWO of the authors would answer the question differently than you, and explain why they would answer the question that way. Explain how they would each argue for this (if they do not actually make such an argument, try to reconstruct how they would do so given their views).
  • For each of these, explain why you reject the author’s argument and therefore reject their conclusion.
  • Next, present and fully explain the argument in favor of your own opposing view.

o In so doing, make sure to use examples, anticipate possible misunderstandings by explaining what your argument is not saying, etc.

  • Finally, discuss what you take to be the strongest objection against your view. This should be an objection not raised by any authors —something you came up with on your own. Raise some new consideration(s) not discussed earlier in the paper in order to defend your argument against the objection.

The assignment will be graded based on (in descending order of importance):page1image17340416

  • The extent to which you have followed all of the instructions above. Each of the steps described should have at least one entire paragraph devoted to it (for many or even all steps, multiple paragraphs), not just a single sentence.
  • Accuracy with respect to the readings and the depth and thoroughness of your understanding of the material demonstrated in your writing
  • The quality of your writing (clarity, precision, structure, mechanics, etc.)
  • Spelling and grammar

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