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Edward Scissorhands (1990)

                 Critical Response

For this assignment, you will write a one page response that uses course concepts and theories to critically examine the film Edward Scissorhands


Answer one of the prompts below in complete sentences and paragraphs.


  1. How does Edward demonstrate anomie?
  1. What aspects of Marx’s, Weber’s and/or Fromm’s views of alienation apply to Edward and/or Peg?
  1. Are the housewives an example of groupthink? Explain.
  1. What causes of conformity are influencing the behaviours of the people living in the suburbs?
  1. Identify and explain the types of conformity that are demonstrated by the suburb and the  people living in it.
  1. Identify and explain the types of conformity that are demonstrated by Edward.
  1. Identify and discuss specific examples of forces that encourage conformity that are impacting the choices the characters make in the film.
  1. Explain how either Edward or Joyce spark a social cascade.


  • LENGTH: 1 page double spaced (your teacher will stop reading at the one page mark.  Be sure to be concise and direct in your response). 
  • STYLE: Informal, informative, reflective and critical.
  • CONTENT: The purpose of this response is to use the film to demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts/terms in the prompt you selected.  In your response, you should make mention of specific moments and situations from the film to support your ideas and views.Bitmoji Image
  • LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS: Be sure to edit your work before submitting it to ensure that it is free of grammatical errors and that your ideas are clearly communicated. (Language convention errors may impact the clarity of your ideas)


Course Concepts  and TheoriesResponse shows an insightful or thorough grasp of course concepts / theoriesResponse shows good understanding of course concepts / theoriesResponse shows some understanding of course concepts / theoriesResponse shows and emerging understanding of course concepts / theories
Critical examination and discussion of terminology and course concepts Expertly critiques and examines course concepts/terms  Clearly examines course concepts/terms    Some examination course concepts/terms.  More discussion needed.  Limited examination of course concepts/terms.  Response is brief,  unfocused or superficial.
Clarity (expression of ideas and use of language conventions)Viewpoint is clearly, concisely and directly expressed.Viewpoint is clearly communicated.  Response is somewhat clear.  Response needed more critical review and editing before submission.Response is largely unclear.  Needed more attention to detail during review and editing process.
Use of specific moments and evidence from the film to support and demonstrate view/termsInsightfully or expertly incorporates highly appropriate aspects of the film to support their viewpoint and demonstrate terminology.Successfully incorporates appropriate aspects of the film to support their viewpoint and demonstrate terminologySome specific aspects of the film are discussed.  Response needed more specific examples to support ideas and demonstrate course terms.Few aspects of the film are discussed or aspects are inappropriate for the purpose (do not support view well).  Response did not include sufficient examples to support view or course terms.

                  Work that does not meet criteria will recieve a mark of “R”.

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