written as if you are that artist, detailing your creation of this work of art. You must cover the following, written in the “voice” and as if from the “mindset” of the historical artist you are emulating:

By answering these questions 

What is your life like: the city you live in, your home life, your society, and the time period at large?

• What are the reigning ideas of the time period—scientifically, 

• Who are your artistic heroes? Which artists or works of art are you inspired by


-New York

-Busy environment

-Artist inspired by 

Herb Lubalin  AND  saul bass

• Is your work meant to respond or dialogue with any of the works created by other artists throughout history?

• How did you come upon the idea for your work?

• What was the creative process for this work?

• What do you want the work to “do” in the world?

• What is it meant to communicate?

• Are you pleased with the final outcome? Why or why not?

• Where do you make your artwork and how?


my style wish is bringing the middle eastern/ Arabic typography artistic style and margin it with western graphic design style. I used Arabic alphabets as visual impact a signature of the influence it has instilled in me, in addition to African unique shapes and rhythms to make my masterpiece. With goal to show, with digital world we are in today design has been influenced by many cultures and identities of their artistic observation.

So basically you need write a blog and explain it in 1000 words 

think about you are the one who made this image

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