1.  Link: “What is Gender History”

2. “From Colonies to Nation, The Eighteenth Century.pdf” (PDF attached to the order) (only the first two sections, not the part on the American Revolution)

Answer the following questions with evidence:

1. What is Gender History?

2. Compare the text “From Colonies to Nation” to the chapters from the textbook chapter (textbook chapters 6&7 attached to the order).  Explain the difference?

3. Use the definitions of Gender History to explain an event in your past (this could be any event you remember)?  How would you explain that event through the lens of a Gender historian?


Women’s History? (1)

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Student answered the Questions Completely  12 pts Full Marks 9 pts Good 6 pts Average 0 pts No Marks12 pts 
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Student Used Evidence/Examples from text/lectures when answering the questions  12 pts Full Marks 9 pts Good 6 pts Average 0 pts No Marks12 pts 
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Student Used Appropriate Academic Style/Grammar When Writing Answers  6 pts Full Marks 5 pts Good 3 pts Average 0 pts No Marks6 pts 
  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Outcome 1 Discuss the historical development of pre-civil war America, including the key political, social, cultural, artistic and economic forces that shaped the nation. threshold: 1.0 pts  2 pts Exceeds Expectations 1 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations2 pts 
  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Outcome 2 Discuss varying interpretations of institutions, people, practices and events throughout this period, including ethics and motivations. threshold: 2.0 pts  2 pts Exceeds Expectations 1 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations2 pts 
  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Outcome 3 Identify and analyze problems throughout this period, such as factors leading to the Revolution and the Civil War. threshold: 1.0 pts  2 pts Exceeds Expectations 1 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations2 pts 
  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Outcome 4 Relate the events, ideas and people of pre-civil war America with present societal conditions. threshold: 2.0 pts  2 pts Exceeds Expectations 1 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations2 pts 
Total Points: 38

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