Learning and Performance – Week 4 Assignment

Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation
Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation illustration – Level 1, Reaction; Level 2, Learning; Level 3, Behavior; Level 4, Results

As we discuss so many concepts impacting training, one of its most crucial components is a training evaluation conducted immediately and post-training. Kirkpatrick developed his model in 1959, and further developed it in 1975 showing four levels:

· Level 4: Results

· Level 3: Behavior

· Level 2: Learning

· Level 1: Reaction

Some critics feel that Kirkpatrick’s model is outdated, calling it “old and simple,” but some of its core concepts are applicable (Kirkpatrick’s Four Level Evaluation Model, 2018). Proper training evaluation can help us in planning our next training, adjusting training activities, changing some of the core concepts, and ultimately do better in the future.

Identify a Kirkpatrick-like or similar model at works at your company. Once you describe it, please analyze its benefits, opportunities and challenges.

Write an approximately 1800 word paper, APA formatted, with three sources. Please reflect not only on the presented articles but on the ones you find online or in our library.


Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model (2018). Mindtools. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/kirkpatrick.htm

Kirkpatrick’s Four Level Evaluation Model (2018). Retrieved from http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/isd/kirkpatrick.html

Kirkpatrick, W. (2018). Kirkpatrick Partners. Kirkpatrick Four Levels is a registered trademark of Kirkpatrick Partners LLC. Retrieved from https://www.isixsigma.com/dictionary/kirkpatrick-four-levels-evaluation-model/

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