SUBJECT: How to correct low morale in the workplace

I am writing to get permission to go ahead with my topic addressing how to correct low morale in the special education department at Rainbow elementary school in Dekalb county school for my internal proposal document.


The organization that I will be writing this document for is the Dekalb county school system addressing their special education department.


The position that I held when I worked there was a special education teacher assistant.


The Principal of Rainbow Elementary school in Dekalb county school because she has the power to change what is going on in her school to make it better.


How to correct the low employee morale in the special education department at Rainbow Elementary.


 There is not enough support for the teachers, communication issues, micromanaging, overwhelming, not enough time to teach because of all the paperwork that has to be done, and how stressful it is meet deadlines.


Develop a survey or suggestion box where employees can aske questions, give suggestions, or state their opinions about important things happening around the school. Give teachers longer deadline dates to have paperwork turned in. Encourage employee participation in the making of decisions that is concerning the special education department. Make teachers feel appreciated by catering lunch for them, gift cards once a month or just a little thank you card in their mailboxes.

Ancillary Issues

Suggestion box $20-$40

Gift cards ex. Chick fil-A $10 for 30 special education teachers and their paraprofessionals= $300/month

Catered Lunch $300-400

Thank you cards $9-$20

These things do not need to be done every month but at least every other month either the catered lunch or the gift cards just to let the teachers know that they are appreciated and that you see how hard they are working every day. 

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