This board is not an “opinion board.” Rather, it is a mechanism for you to engage with your peers as you dissect and synthesize course content. Your comments should be grounded within the literature. That said, each discussion board post and response should utilize two peer-reviewed journal articles. When using references, please include in-text citations and include your reference list at the bottom of your original post. Please make sure to write in third person.

This semester you read the book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. This discussion board is an opportunity to reflect on that book while applying social work concepts. Please construct a post in which you assess the functioning of the Lee family. Make sure that you identify strengths and challenges. Then, think about how you would engage with this family. Finally, think about ethical considerations that may arise. Make sure that you identify any potential value conflicts that you may experience.

Your discussion board post should be approximately 1,000 words

Make sure to use two peer-reviewed journal articles with your discussion post. Please read chapter 10 of Hutchinson, 2019. The textbook, Hutchison and the book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down will not count as peer-review journal or article. Please not chapter 10 of Hutchinson, 2019.
Hutchison Text Citation: Please note that the Hutchison reference list citation from the syllabus is incorrect and does not reflect the APA 7 update. Moving forward, please use this updated citation: Hutchison, E. (2019). Dimensions of human behavior: Person and environment (6th ed.). Sage Publications.

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