
Please rely on your textbook for this assignment; do not resort to Google or other internet source to complete this task.

Answer the following questions by referring to key terms and/or legal concepts learned from your recently assigned readings and course materials. For each question, you must include the applicable Constitutional provision(s) and/or key U.S Supreme Court or other case(s) in your answers, where applicable. Please cite to your references in APA format. Your submission must not surpass six (6) pages total in length single or double spaced. I will only read and grade up to six (6) pages. This page limit excludes the title and reference pages. 

What are the basic elements of a teacher’s contract? Please list and explain each element. (Chapter 15)
Does a teacher have a Right to Privacy under the U.S. Constitution? If so, please describe the Right to Privacy and where it is inferred from in the U.S. Constitution. What are the limits to a teacher’s right to privacy in public schools? For example, does a teacher have an “expectation of privacy” in his or her desk? (Chapter 16)
What is the legal standard that applies under the Fourth Amendment to the searches of public school teachers on school grounds? May a public school require a teacher to take a drug test? If so, under what circumstances? (Chapter 16).
What is the difference between non-renewal and dismissal of a teacher? What entity specifies the procedures for not rehiring or dismissing a teacher? (Chapter 17)
Define procedural due process vs. substantive due process for teachers. What steps does procedural due process require to protect a teacher’s constitutional rights? (Chapter 17)
Please list and explain two (2) bases for the dismissal of tenured teachers. (Chapter 17)

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