4. A 52-year-old male is referred to the emergency department with a one day history of abdominal pain; it began centrally but has moved to the right iliac fossa. He feels nauseous and has vomited once. He had one episode of diarrhoea and denies constipation. A clinical examination is performed revealing tenderness with rebound and guarding in the right iliac fossa. Blood investigations are performed showing raised inflammatory markers. You diagnose an acute abdomen in this patient. 

A. Outline your initial general management in a patient with an acute abdomen: 

B. This man is suspected to have acute appendicitis. 

  1. (i) Describe the investigations available to make a diagnosis of appendicitis. 
  2. (ii) Outline the definitive management of acute appendicitis. 
  3. (iii) Outline the complications of acute appendicitis. 

-Use Primary Resources, from the following databases and resources (Pubmed, NCBI, CDC, WHO)

-Reference Vancouver Style

-Max 500 words for the whole thing

-Please answer the question asked nothing more nothing less

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