Topic 5: Photography’s Influence on Art
Discuss the influence of photography on the art of the late 19th and 20th centuries, citing specific uses of photography. Discuss the shifting and sharing of the functions and purposes of art by painting, drawing, and photography. Include the impact of photography on painting.
- Recommended resources:
- Early Documentary Photography (2004). Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved from
- Hostetler, L. (2004). The New Documentary Tradition in Photography. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved from
- Photography and the Civil War (2004). Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved from
- Eklund, D. (2004). Conceptual art and photography. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved from
- Rooseboom, H., & Rudge, J. (2006). Myths and Misconceptions: Photography and Painting in the Nineteenth Century. Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, 32(4), 291-313.