UNIT 2: Leadership Traits, Actions, and Behaviors
Open to suggestions on the Title of the paper
Instructions: Below are the instructions for the paper required for the class, I would like to give the writer information about me so the paper is written from a perspective that I can associate with.
-I am an Active Duty Marine and have been for 19 years
-Helicopter Mechanic
-Some of the paper deals with politics, I like to avoid discussing personal politics; but if need be I would say that my Christian beliefs drive my political view the most, and I don’t really like the government being in charge of me.
A review of the literature suggests how certain traits, personality, characteristics, knowledge, and behaviors are related to effective leadership.
Additionally, there are research studies suggesting that traits or characteristics might not necessarily guarantee that someone will become an effective leader. The basic argument is that leadership is not about what one possesses or has in terms of traits or characteristics. Rather, it is about what one does with what one has, in the form of actions taken or behaviors displayed. In addition, these actions or behaviors cannot be for personal or selfish reasons, but for the common good of followers or a larger group. From your readings of the literature (including textbooks, articles, and other course materials), personal understanding, and professional experience, you are required to respond to the following four topics.
1. Identify certain traits and characteristics that are related to effective leadership.
2. Evaluate and comment on why you think these traits and characteristics will not necessarily guarantee effective leadership.
3. Identify specific behaviors that are associated with the traits and characteristics of effective leadership.
4. Please comment on how these behaviors are demonstrated by effective leaders in both complex and simple organizations. Also, please provide detail on specific behaviors that are exhibited. Hint: I always enjoy reading personal experiences because it tells me you are able to apply what you have learned.
Write a 3-4 page essay addressing the four topics listed above. Provide informed explanations, analyses, and evaluations for your answers. Use robust, properly cited sources to support your evaluation. Always follow APA format to include appropriate in text citations, a reference sheet (please review format for APA references), Times New Roman 12 pt. font and a cover page. Three robust outside references is the minimum requirement to support your content. Most superior papers have six or more.