Within the format of a scholarly paper systematically explore a professional issue relevant to the nursing profession. The issue must be covered in depth with a significant analysis of the implication for the nursing profession. Research peer reviewed journals and identify an issue that is relevant to nursing and is of interest to you. Write a 1200 – 1500 word scholarly paper analyzing the issue and the implication for the nursing profession. This paper must be in APA format.

Grading CriteriaPossible PointsPoints Earned
Abstract   Introduction: State the purpose of the paper and give an overview of the content.   Review the scholarly literature in the area of the issue.  With documentation from nursing journals and professional nursing literature the essential content of the paper should: Identify the issueDescribe the historical development and background of the issueDescribe current trends related to the issue; headlines and feature articles within last 5 yearsIdentify and describe the significance of issue to the nursing profession and professional nursing practice  in today’s work environmentDescribe how this issue influences the nursing profession and professional nursing practiceDiscuss controversies related to the issue that are unique to nursing Discuss the most successful and/or potential strategies in   preventing and dealing with the issue   Describe your position regarding the particular issue   Conclusion: Summarize the major points that of paper10   10       5 5 5   5   5   5 5   10   10   
  1200- 1500 word count Organization/Clarity Correct APA format Grammar/spelling  5 10 5 5 

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