Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. OR 5. 6. 7. 8. Write a minimum of 5 paragraphs or more. Do not use Wikipedia. Provide references using MLA format in the body of your answers.

1.  Who was Benjamin Banneker? What were his accomplishments? What action did he take in regard to Thomas Jefferson’s claim?

2. Legally, slaves were counted as three fifths of a free person in state representation in Congress. Explain who benefitted from this clause.

3. Identify the activities of Black Loyalists? Who were Ralph Henry and James Reid? Who was Colonel Tye? Where did Black loyalists resettle after the Revolutionary War?

4. Who was Harriet Jacobs? How was she a victim of sexual abuse.


5. Discuss the importance of the Haitian Revolution in relation to the African American experience and slave uprisings.

6. Explain the life of slave children on the plantation.

7. Who was Sally Hemings? Discuss her circumstances and relationship to Thomas Jefferson.

8. Discuss the development of the domestic slave trade in the U.S.

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