Have you come along way, baby?

Your reading response should include a detailed response to the assigned reading. Describe what you liked or disliked about each reading as well as why you had these reactions. Review the guidelines posted in the Forum for this topic, above. 

Your response should be 250 words or more for full credit. The rubric is posted in this topic

Reading Response Discussion Rubric

Use these guidelines in writing your posts and responses in Discussions.

An Excellent post engages the prompt fully and critically. It offers evidence from readings, resources, or personal experience to illustrate points. It raises questions and concepts that are beneficial to driving the conversation. The post provides evidence of reading / viewing the assigned materials and other discussion posts.

An excellent post is between 200-300 words

A Good post engages the prompt in a limited way. It demonstrates familiarity with course concepts, but is not well-developed. The post doesn’t include a sufficient explanation of the writer’s point, or adds little to the discussion.

A good post may only have 150-199 words.

A Satisfactory post demonstrates familiarity with course concepts, but is limited in scope. The post simply states “I agree” or “I disagree,” doesn’t include a sufficient explanation of the writer’s point, or adds little to the discussion. The post may be rambling, show no sign of having been re-read and refined before posting, and suffers from a lack of clarity and comprehension.

A satisfactory post may only have 100-149 words.

An Unsatisfactory post contains short, trivial, and/or uninformed comments about the discussion topics, without adding new thought to the discussion. An unsatisfactory post does not demonstrate that you have read the course content, assigned materials, and/or other posts. The post may also contain numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

You will receive 0 points if your post contains fewer than 100 words, or if you did not submit a post.

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