A Virtue Ethicist influenced by Aristotle (discussed in chapter 8 of the e-text), and a
follower of Carol Gilligan’s Ethics of Care (discussed in chapter 9), are watching the
Gillette commercial together.
Use your knowledge of the ethical theories and your imagination to answer following
questions in order:
• What does the Virtue Ethicist think of the commercial? Integrate Aristotle’s concept of
eudaimonia and the virtues into your answer.
• What does a follower of Gilligan’s Ethics of Care think of the commercial? Make sure
Carol Gilligan’s theory is evident somewhere in your answer.
• In regards to the video, do you agree with either of these two individuals (The followers
of Aristotle and Gilligan)? Do you disagree with either of them? In short, what do you
think of Gillette’s controversial ad? Explain your answer in detail, and do not be afraid
to express your opinion!
Here is the link to the e-text or book we are using below: Ethics: Theory and Contemporary
Issues 9th edition, Chapter 8: Virtue Ethics, and Chapter 9: Feminist Thought and the Ethics of
And the link to the video “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be Gillette (Short Film).