Case Study Paper-Chap 11 & 12

Question 1:

Contrast strategic and administrative actions within human resources management.

Response 1:

Question 2:

For each human resource scenario described in the introduction to the chapter, identify the steps you would take to address the specific human resources issue being faced. From your perspective, which is the most challenging issue, and why?

Response 2:

Question 3:

Two key domains of human resources management are workforce planning/recruitment and employee retention. Describe several human resources functions that fall under each and describe their importance to human resources management.

Response 3:

Question 4:

Identify and describe some environmental forces that affect human resources functions in health services organizations.

Response 4:

Question 5:

Contrast “employee assistance programs” and “employee suggestion programs.” Response 5:

Question 6:

Why do HSOs offer incentive compensation programs? How do these programs differ from base compensation programs?

Response 6:

Question 7:

Describe the importance of employee relations and engagement efforts by HSOs and give some examples of these activities.

Response 7:


Buchbinder, S. B., & Shanks, N. H. (2017). Introduction to Health Care Management (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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