This assignment addresses the following outcomes:

  • Write a research paper that integrates evidence from primary and secondary sources to explore a political, social, military, and/or ethical issue in World War I.

Throughout this course, you have explored political, social, strategic, and ethical questions related to World War I through multiple methods: analysis of primary and secondary sources, as well as by playing educational game games. These games allowed you to explore the decision-making of key wartime leaders and practice the skill of historical empathy—learning to think and make judgments from the lens of the past rather than through our present day mindset. In this project, you will apply the lessons you learned to a research project which will integrate the evidence from these sources and tools into one cohesive argument.

You will submit this project in three stages throughout the course:

  1. Module 3: Choose a topic
    In Module 3 you will review the guidelines for the assignment and choose from the list of topic choices below and report this information to your instructor in M3A1.
  2. Module 5: Annotated Bibliography and Outline
    In Module 5 you will submit an annotated bibliography of the six sources (including at least 2 primary) you intend to use for your final research paper, along with a preliminary thesis statement and outline. See the M5A1: Annotated Bibliography and Outline assignment for more details about this submission.
  3. Module 7: Project 2 Research Paper
    In Module 7 you will submit your completed research paper according to the directions listed below:

For your Project 2 Research Paper you are to select a topic related to the content explored in the games in Modules 1, 3, and 5. Please choose one of the following question prompts as a jumping-off point for an argumentative analysis:

  • Which nation was most responsible for the outbreak of World War I and why?

Your Project 2 Paper should be between 6-7 pages (1500-1750 words) in length not including the title page and references. 
Your paper must include at least six sources. At least two of these sources must be primary sources. Two of the six sources may come from the assigned course materials like Neiberg and the assigned online primary resources, but at least four must be outside sources. 

Your paper should include:

  • An introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement outlining your overall argument
  • Body paragraphs with specific evidence from your sources to support your points
  • In-text citations and references in APA style
  • A conclusion paragraph that synthesizes the information you present and summarizes your main points

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